如何使用 AppleScript 在 Finder 中引用文件

How to reference a file in Finder with AppleScript


            tell application "Finder"
                set videoFile to "Users:username:Desktop:No Backup:Music:video.mp4"
                delete file videoFile
            end tell


Finder got an error: Can’t get file "Users:username:Desktop:No Backup:Music:video.mp4".



            tell application "QuickTime Player"
                set videoFile to "Users:username:Desktop:No Backup:Music:video.mp4"
                open videoFile
            end tell


我还搜索了所有 Applescript Finder 命令的列表,但找不到任何看起来像适当文档的东西。

编辑:我也试过了 我尝试了 delete (every item of folder folderPath whose name is "video.mp4"),但这导致了 Finder got an error: Can’t get folder "Users:username:Desktop:No Backup:Music".

HFS 路径必须始终 以磁盘名称开头(将Macintosh HD 替换为真实名称)

tell application "Finder"
    set videoFile to "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:No Backup:Music:video.mp4"
    delete file videoFile
end tell


set desktopFolder to path to desktop as text -- returns "Macintosh HD:Users:username:Desktop:"
tell application "Finder"
    set videoFile to desktopFolder & "No Backup:Music:video.mp4"
    delete file videoFile
end tell

对于当前用户的桌面文件夹,还有更短的方法,因为桌面文件夹是 Finderroot 文件夹

tell application "Finder"
    delete file "video.mp4" of folder "No Backup:Music:"
end tell

解决方案是将“Macintosh HD:”添加到文件路径的开头——这让我很困惑,因为这在不同的应用程序之间表现不一致