Spring 引导 - 如何在事务范围之外调用另一个方法

Spring Boot - how to call another method outside of the transaction scope


    public Store handle(Command command) {
        Store store= mapper.map(command.getStoreDto(), Store.class);
        Store persistedStore = storeService.save(store);
        addressService.saveStoreAddress(store, command.getEmployeeId()); //this method is not crucial, should be called independently and in another transaction, without any rollback in case of exception
        return persistedStore;

addressService.saveStoreAddress 并不重要 - 当此方法抛出任何异常时,无论如何都应保存存储 (storeService.save(store);)。对我来说最好的解决方案是什么?

saveStoreAddress() 上使用 @Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW),这样它将在一个新的单独事务中执行。

为了防止 handle() 的事务因为 saveStoreAddress() 抛出的异常而回滚,调用 saveStoreAddress().[=17= 时也需要 try-catch ]


public class AddressService {

   public void saveStoreAdress(.....){

public Store handle(Command command) {
          addressService.saveStoreAddress(store, command.getEmployeeId());
        }catch (Exception ex){
            * handle the exception thrown from saveStoreAddress.
            * If you want the current transaction not rollback just because of the 
            * exception throw from saveStoreAddress(), do not re-throw the exception when 
            * handling this exception 
        return ....;