尽管有 RoleBinding(与 ClusterRoleBinding 相同),为什么这个 pod 在调用 Kubernetes API 时会得到 403 Forbidden?

Why does this pod get a 403 Forbidden when calling the Kubernetes API despite a RoleBinding (same with ClusterRoleBinding)?

我创建了一个 pod(一个 Alpine“BusyBox”,用于 运行 命令),然后获取与之关联的 default 服务帐户。然后我创建了一个 RoleBinding (后来 ClusterRoleBinding 当第一个不起作用时) 但它仍然不允许我调用 K8s API.


首先,我为 运行 命令创建了一个容器:

# Create a namespace to install our pod
kubectl create namespace one

# Now create a pod that we can run stuff in
kubectl run runner -n one --image alpine -- sleep 3600


# My understanding of this command is that I'm doing the following:
# 1. Creating a binding for the "default" service account in the "one" namespace
# 2. Tying that to the cluster role for viewing things
# 3. Making this binding work in the "default" namespace, so that it can call
#    the API there FROM its own namespace (one)
kubectl create rolebinding default-view --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=one:default --namespace=default

然后我连接到 pod 的终端并尝试调用 API 以列出其自己的命名空间中的所有服务:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty use-rest -n one -- /bin/ash

# Now I run all these inside that terminal:

# Point to the internal API server hostname

# Path to ServiceAccount token

# Read the ServiceAccount bearer token

# Reference the internal certificate authority (CA)

# The wget installed with Alpine cannot do SSL
apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
apk add wget

wget --ca-certificate=${CACERT} --header="Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ${APISERVER}/api/v1/namespaces/$NAMESPACE/services


--2021-04-20 01:04:54-- https://kubernetes.default.svc/api/v1/namespaces/default/services/
Resolving kubernetes.default.svc (kubernetes.default.svc)...
Connecting to kubernetes.default.svc (kubernetes.default.svc)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2021-04-20 01:04:54 ERROR 403: Forbidden.



每个 pod 只能有一个 ServiceAccount,一旦您为该 pod 分配了一个帐户,default 帐户就不再适用。我试图将角色绑定到 default 帐户,但传递了我为 pod 创建的另一个帐户的令牌。