model.train() 和 model.eval() 导致 nan 值

model.train() and model.eval() causing nan values

嘿,所以我正在尝试图像 classification/transfer 学习,使用猴子物种数据集和带有修改后的最终 fc 层的 resnet50 来预测 10 类。在我使用 model.train() 和 model.eval() 之前一切都在工作,然后在第一个纪元之后它开始 return nans 并且准确性下降,如下所示。我很好奇为什么只有切换到 train/eval.....?


resnet = models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

for param in resnet.parameters():
  param.required_grad = False

in_features = resnet.fc.in_features

# Build custom classifier
classifier = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict([('fc1', nn.Linear(in_features, 512)),
                                        ('relu', nn.ReLU()),
                                        ('drop', nn.Dropout(0.05)),
                                        ('fc2', nn.Linear(512, 10)),

# ('output', nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1))
resnet.classifier = classifier

然后设置我的损失函数、优化器和 shceduler

# Step : Define criterion and optimizer
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# pass the optimizer to the appended classifier layer
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(resnet.parameters(), lr=0.01)
# Scheduler
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[10], gamma=0.05)  


epochs = 20

tr_losses = []
avg_epoch_tr_loss = []
tr_accuracy = []

val_losses = []
avg_epoch_val_loss = []
val_accuracy = []
val_loss_min = np.Inf

for epoch in range(epochs):
  for i, batch in enumerate(train_loader):
    # Pull the data and labels from the batch
    data, label = batch
    # If available push data and label to GPU
    if train_on_gpu:
      data, label =,
    # Compute the logit
    logit = resnet(data)
    # Compte loss
    loss = criterion(logit, label)
    # Clearing the gradient
    # Backpropagate the gradients (accumulte the partial derivatives of loss)
    # Apply the updates to the optimizer step in the opposite direction to the gradient
    # Store the losses of each batch
    # loss.item() seperates the loss from comp graph
    # Detach and store the average accuracy of each batch
    # Print the rolling batch training loss every 20 batches
    if i % 40 == 0 and not i == 1:
      print(f'Batch No: {i} \tAverage Training Batch Loss: {torch.tensor(tr_losses).mean():.2f}')
  # Print the average loss for each epoch
  print(f'\nEpoch No: {epoch + 1},Training Loss: {torch.tensor(tr_losses).mean():.2f}')
  # Print the average accuracy for each epoch
  print(f'Epoch No: {epoch + 1}, Training Accuracy: {torch.tensor(tr_accuracy).mean():.2f}\n')
  # Store the avg epoch loss for plotting

  for i, batch in enumerate(val_loader):
    # Pull the data and labels from the batch
    data, label = batch
    # If available push data and label to GPU
    if train_on_gpu:
      data, label =,
    # Compute the logits without computing the gradients
    with torch.no_grad():
      logit = resnet(data)
    # Compte loss
    loss = criterion(logit, label)
    # Store test loss
    # Store the accuracy for each batch
    if i % 20 == 0 and not i == 1:
      print(f'Batch No: {i+1} \tAverage Val Batch Loss: {torch.tensor(val_losses).mean():.2f}')
  # Print the average loss for each epoch
  print(f'\nEpoch No: {epoch + 1}, Epoch Val Loss: {torch.tensor(val_losses).mean():.2f}')
  # Print the average accuracy for each epoch    
  print(f'Epoch No: {epoch + 1}, Epoch Val Accuracy: {torch.tensor(val_accuracy).mean():.2f}\n')
  # Store the avg epoch loss for plotting

  # Checpoininting the model using val loss threshold
  if torch.tensor(val_losses).float().mean() <= val_loss_min:
    print("Epoch Val Loss Decreased... Saving model")
    # save current model, '/content/drive/MyDrive/1. Full Projects/Intel Image Classification/')
    val_loss_min = torch.tensor(val_losses).mean()
  # Step the scheduler for the next epoch
  # Print the updated learning rate
  print('Learning Rate Set To: {:.5f}'.format(optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]['lr']),'\n')

模型开始训练但随后慢慢变为 nan 值

Batch No: 0     Average Training Batch Loss: 9.51
Batch No: 40    Average Training Batch Loss: 1.71
Batch No: 80    Average Training Batch Loss: 1.15
Batch No: 120   Average Training Batch Loss: 0.94

Epoch No: 1,Training Loss: 0.83
Epoch No: 1, Training Accuracy: 0.78

Batch No: 1     Average Val Batch Loss: 0.39
Batch No: 21    Average Val Batch Loss: 0.56
Batch No: 41    Average Val Batch Loss: 0.54
Batch No: 61    Average Val Batch Loss: 0.54

Epoch No: 1, Epoch Val Loss: 0.55
Epoch No: 1, Epoch Val Accuracy: 0.81

Epoch Val Loss Decreased... Saving model
Learning Rate Set To: 0.01000 

Batch No: 0     Average Training Batch Loss: 0.83
Batch No: 40    Average Training Batch Loss: nan
Batch No: 80    Average Training Batch Loss: nan

我看到 resnet.zero_grad()logit = resnet(data) 之后,这会导致梯度在您的情况下爆炸。


# Clearing the gradient
logit = resnet(data)

# Compute loss
loss = criterion(logit, label)