Akka HighLevelHttp return 恢复未来的路线

Akka HighLevelHttp return Route from recovering Future

因为我有一个请求主体,所以我需要将其作为未来获取并在操作后发送响应。但是,我需要检查主体是否有效,如果不是,我想 return BadRequest 状态。


(pathPrefix("api" / "search") & post & extractRequest) { request =>
  val tokenResult = request.headers.find(x => x.name.toLowerCase == "token")
    tokenResult match {
      case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException(ServerMessages.TOKEN_NOT_FOUND)
      case Some(token) => token.value match {
        case this.apiToken => {
          val entity = request.entity
          val strictEntityFuture = entity.toStrict(2 seconds)
          val requestFuture = strictEntityFuture

          requestFuture map { filters =>
             // here - I return an Route with data from controller
          } recover (e => {
             // HERE IS THE PROBLEM
             // I need to return an Route, but here will be a Future[Route]
             complete(400 -> ServerMessages.INVALID_REQUEST_BODY)
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(ServerMessages.INVALID_TOKEN)


找到了使用 onComplete 指令的解决方案,但我需要知道我的 json 是否成功转换,以便抛出自定义错误。

onComplete(requestFuture) {
    case Success(filters) => searchKpi(filters) ~
       pathEndOrSingleSlash {
           complete(403 -> ServerMessages.INVALID_METHOD_ARGUMENTS)
    case Failure(ex) => failWith(ex) // returns 500 Internal Server Error



val requestFuture = strictEntityFuture

requestFuture.map { entity =>
  entity.data.utf8String match {
  // Do your processing here
  case "" => RouteResult.Complete(HttpResponse(StatusCode.int2StatusCode(200), entity = HttpEntity("OK")))
}}.recover {
  case err: Throwable =>
  RouteResult.Complete(HttpResponse(StatusCode.int2StatusCode(500), entity = HttpEntity(err.getMessage)))

您可以使用 ExceptionHandler.

像在文档中那样定义异常处理程序,并将异常中的一个案例(应该与 failWith 抛出的相同)添加到您需要 return 的 HTTP 状态(您提及 BadRequest)

    case class MyBadException() extends RuntimeException

  implicit def myExceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler =
    ExceptionHandler {
      case MyBadException() => complete(HttpResponse(BadRequest)) // You decide the HTTP status to return
      case _ => complete(HttpResponse(InternalServerError, entity = "Bad numbers, bad result!!!"))

    val route = path("test") {
      onComplete(getSomething()) {
        case Success(v) => complete("Ok")
        case Failure(err) => failWith(MyBadException())



Bring it into implicit scope at the top-level.
Supply it as argument to the handleExceptions directive.

我已经有一个 Exception Handler,但只有 2 个案例(IllegalArgumentNoSuchElement)。多亏了 ccheneson,我扩展了我的处理程序,可以 return 一个 BadRequest 响应。但是我在那里做错了,因为我的 BadRequestException 被打包到 defaultExceptionHandler 路由。

val routes = (
    handleExceptions(noSuchElementExceptionHandler) &
      handleExceptions(tokenNotFoundExceptionHandler)) {

private val domainRoutes = {
   onComplete(future) {
      case Success(values) => complete(controller.getdata(values))
      case Failure(e) => failWith(BadRequestExceptionHandler(e.getMessage))