为什么在 args 中使用一个参数时函数的结果不同?

Why the result of the function is different when one argument used in args?

当我在 args 中传递 1 个参数时,它在元组中传递 returns/prints 参数和逗号。但为什么不在 2 个或更多参数后添加逗号?

def print_args(*args):

#If arguments are more than one or zero:

print_args(1,2,3)  #Out: (1,2,3)
print_args(1,2)    #Out: (1,2)
print_args()       #Out: ()

#If I pass 1 argurment:

print_args(1)      #Out: (1,)  ?
print_args("a")    #Out: ('a',)?
print_args([])     #Out: ([],) ?

#Using return statement instead of print():

def return_args(*args):
    return args

return_args(1,2) #Out: (1, 2)
return_args(1) #Out: (1,)

在单个项目周围添加括号与冗余分组相同,并且不会将对象创建为元组。来自 docs:

A special problem is the construction of tuples containing 0 or 1 items: the syntax has some extra quirks to accommodate these. Empty tuples are constructed by an empty pair of parentheses; a tuple with one item is constructed by following a value with a comma (it is not sufficient to enclose a single value in parentheses).

docs 最后评论说这个实现确实“丑陋但有效”。