Should I put the group email address that already exists?
我正在通过 IAM 和管理为组织创建一个组。有一个“Group email address”输入框,但我不知道他们要的是哪种电子邮件地址。我应该输入一个已经被使用的群组电子邮件地址吗?或者这是 GCP 将创建的新电子邮件地址?如果可以,我何时以及如何使用这个新电子邮件地址?
让我在评论区总结一下我们的讨论。 Let's start with IAM Overview where at the section Google group你可以看到:
A Google group is a named collection of Google Accounts and service accounts. Every Google group has a unique email address that's associated with the group. You can find the email address that's associated with a Google group by clicking About on the homepage of any Google group. For more information about Google Groups, see the Google Groups homepage.
Google Groups are a convenient way to apply an access policy to a collection of users. You can grant and change access controls for a whole group at once instead of granting or changing access controls one at a time for individual users or service accounts. You can also easily add members to and remove members from a Google group instead of updating an IAM policy to add or remove users.
您可以在文档页面找到更多信息Managing groups in the Cloud Console, for example instructions how to create, edit or delete一组。
群组电子邮件地址是电子邮件地址形式的唯一标识符,类似的概念您可以在 service account 中看到,例如 sa-name@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com
我正在通过 IAM 和管理为组织创建一个组。有一个“Group email address”输入框,但我不知道他们要的是哪种电子邮件地址。我应该输入一个已经被使用的群组电子邮件地址吗?或者这是 GCP 将创建的新电子邮件地址?如果可以,我何时以及如何使用这个新电子邮件地址?
让我在评论区总结一下我们的讨论。 Let's start with IAM Overview where at the section Google group你可以看到:
A Google group is a named collection of Google Accounts and service accounts. Every Google group has a unique email address that's associated with the group. You can find the email address that's associated with a Google group by clicking About on the homepage of any Google group. For more information about Google Groups, see the Google Groups homepage.
Google Groups are a convenient way to apply an access policy to a collection of users. You can grant and change access controls for a whole group at once instead of granting or changing access controls one at a time for individual users or service accounts. You can also easily add members to and remove members from a Google group instead of updating an IAM policy to add or remove users.
您可以在文档页面找到更多信息Managing groups in the Cloud Console, for example instructions how to create, edit or delete一组。
群组电子邮件地址是电子邮件地址形式的唯一标识符,类似的概念您可以在 service account 中看到,例如 sa-name@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com