Trouble typing a sum type with generics and overloads
我正在尝试键入 Either 的实现,但我努力使这两个变体能够很好地相互配合。
type Unary<X, R> = (x: X) => R;
type Either<L=unknown, R=unknown> = Left<L> | Right<R>
class Right<R=unknown> {
constructor (private value: R) {}
static of <T>(value:T):Right<T> { return new Right(value); }
map <U>(f:Unary<R, U>):Right<U> {
return Right.of(f(this.value));
ap <T>(either: Left<T>): Left<T>
ap <U>(either: Right<Unary<R, U>>): Right<U>
ap <T, U>(either: Either<T, Unary<R, U>>): Either<T, U> {
return either instanceof Left
? either
: this.map(either.value);
class Left<L=unknown> {
constructor (private value: L) {}
static of <T>(value:T):Left<T> { return new Left(value); }
map (_:Function): Left<L> { return this; }
ap <T>(either: Left<T>): Left<T>
ap (either: Right): Left<L>
ap (either: Either): Left {
return either instanceof Left ? either : this;
const r1 = Right.of(1);
const r2 = Right.of(2);
const l1 = Left.of(Error('foo'));
const l2 = Left.of(Error('bar'));
const add = (a:number) => (b:number) => a + b
// Right { value: 3 } : Right<number>
const rr = r2.ap(r1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const lr = r2.ap(l1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: bar] } : Left<Error>
const rl = l2.ap(r1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const ll = l2.ap(l1.map(add));
const lift2 = <A, B, R>(f:(a: A) => (b: B) => R) => {
function lifted(a:Right<A>, b:Right<B>): Right<R>
function lifted<U>(a:Right<A>, b:Left<U>): Left<U>
function lifted<T>(a:Left<T>, b:Right<B>): Left<T>
function lifted<T>(a:Left<T>, b:Left): Left<T>
function lifted(a: Either, b: Either):Either {
return b.ap(a.map(f));
// ------=-
return lifted;
我有 2 个明显的错误
Argument of type 'Left<unknown> | Right<(b: B) => R>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Left<unknown>'.
Type 'Right<(b: B) => R>' is not assignable to type 'Left<unknown>'.
Types have separate declarations of a private property 'value
The call would have succeeded against this implementation, but implementation signatures of overloads are not externally visible.
Argument of type '(a: A) => (b: B) => R' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R> & Function'.
Type '(a: A) => (b: B) => R' is not assignable to type 'Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R>'.
Types of parameters 'a' and 'x' are incompatible.
Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'A'.
'A' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'unknown'
const add = lift2(
(a:number) => (b:number) => a + b
// Right { value: 3 } : Right<number>
const rr = add(r1, r2);
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const lr = add(l1, r2);
// Left { value: [Error: bar] } : Left<Error>
const rl = add(r1, l2);
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const ll = add(l1, l2);
- 我不知道为什么
- 不知道
Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R>
首先,我建议使 lifted()
function lifted<T, U>(
a: Either<T, A>,
b: Either<U, B>
): Either<U, R> | Left<T> {...};
这应该可以解决任何涉及 unknown
的问题...您的 a
和 b
的原始类型只是 Either
,即 Either<unknown, unknown>
(感谢 generic type parameter defaults),编译器抱怨你不能将 unknown
传递给需要 A
事实上,我建议尽可能精确地制作完整的签名集,不要让 unknown
function lifted(a: Right<A>, b: Right<B>): Right<R>
function lifted<U>(a: Right<A>, b: Left<U>): Left<U>
function lifted<T, U>(a: Left<T>, b: Either<U, B>): Left<T>
function lifted<T, U>(a: Either<T, A>, b: Either<U, B>): Either<U, R> | Left<T> {
// impl to come
return lifted;
类型,它们是联合.虽然事实证明 b.ap(a.map(f))
将始终有效,无论 a
或 b
是 Left
还是 Right
,但 [= 没有单个调用签名32=] 或 Either.ap
这对编译器来说显然是正确的。 Either
是一个联合类型,因此它的 ap
和 map
方法是函数的联合......和重载函数,引导。编译器无法以智能方式为所有这些重载联合解析调用签名。这类似于我一直在调用 correlated union types 时遇到的问题(参见 microsoft/TypeScript#30581)。
如果编译器要为 a
和 b
的四种可能性中的每一种重新计算 b.ap(a.map(f))
,它会对每一种都满意。但是因为你只有一行,所以编译器只考虑一次。没有诸如“control flow analysis which distributes over unions" (see microsoft/TypeScript#25051 这样的功能的封闭请求,如果它被实现,它会解决这个问题。)
1:使用 type assertions 之类的东西告诉编译器不要担心该行的类型安全,例如:
return (b as any).ap(a.map(f)); // uses any here
const aMapF = a.map(f);
return aMapF instanceof Left ? b.ap(aMapF) :
b instanceof Left ? b.ap(aMapF) :
我正在尝试键入 Either 的实现,但我努力使这两个变体能够很好地相互配合。
type Unary<X, R> = (x: X) => R;
type Either<L=unknown, R=unknown> = Left<L> | Right<R>
class Right<R=unknown> {
constructor (private value: R) {}
static of <T>(value:T):Right<T> { return new Right(value); }
map <U>(f:Unary<R, U>):Right<U> {
return Right.of(f(this.value));
ap <T>(either: Left<T>): Left<T>
ap <U>(either: Right<Unary<R, U>>): Right<U>
ap <T, U>(either: Either<T, Unary<R, U>>): Either<T, U> {
return either instanceof Left
? either
: this.map(either.value);
class Left<L=unknown> {
constructor (private value: L) {}
static of <T>(value:T):Left<T> { return new Left(value); }
map (_:Function): Left<L> { return this; }
ap <T>(either: Left<T>): Left<T>
ap (either: Right): Left<L>
ap (either: Either): Left {
return either instanceof Left ? either : this;
const r1 = Right.of(1);
const r2 = Right.of(2);
const l1 = Left.of(Error('foo'));
const l2 = Left.of(Error('bar'));
const add = (a:number) => (b:number) => a + b
// Right { value: 3 } : Right<number>
const rr = r2.ap(r1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const lr = r2.ap(l1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: bar] } : Left<Error>
const rl = l2.ap(r1.map(add));
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const ll = l2.ap(l1.map(add));
const lift2 = <A, B, R>(f:(a: A) => (b: B) => R) => {
function lifted(a:Right<A>, b:Right<B>): Right<R>
function lifted<U>(a:Right<A>, b:Left<U>): Left<U>
function lifted<T>(a:Left<T>, b:Right<B>): Left<T>
function lifted<T>(a:Left<T>, b:Left): Left<T>
function lifted(a: Either, b: Either):Either {
return b.ap(a.map(f));
// ------=-
return lifted;
我有 2 个明显的错误
Argument of type 'Left<unknown> | Right<(b: B) => R>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Left<unknown>'.
Type 'Right<(b: B) => R>' is not assignable to type 'Left<unknown>'.
Types have separate declarations of a private property 'value
The call would have succeeded against this implementation, but implementation signatures of overloads are not externally visible.
Argument of type '(a: A) => (b: B) => R' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R> & Function'.
Type '(a: A) => (b: B) => R' is not assignable to type 'Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R>'.
Types of parameters 'a' and 'x' are incompatible.
Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'A'.
'A' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'unknown'
const add = lift2(
(a:number) => (b:number) => a + b
// Right { value: 3 } : Right<number>
const rr = add(r1, r2);
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const lr = add(l1, r2);
// Left { value: [Error: bar] } : Left<Error>
const rl = add(r1, l2);
// Left { value: [Error: foo] } : Left<Error>
const ll = add(l1, l2);
- 我不知道为什么
被推断为类型参数 - 不知道
Unary<unknown, (b: B) => R>
首先,我建议使 lifted()
function lifted<T, U>(
a: Either<T, A>,
b: Either<U, B>
): Either<U, R> | Left<T> {...};
这应该可以解决任何涉及 unknown
的问题...您的 a
和 b
的原始类型只是 Either
,即 Either<unknown, unknown>
(感谢 generic type parameter defaults),编译器抱怨你不能将 unknown
传递给需要 A
事实上,我建议尽可能精确地制作完整的签名集,不要让 unknown
function lifted(a: Right<A>, b: Right<B>): Right<R>
function lifted<U>(a: Right<A>, b: Left<U>): Left<U>
function lifted<T, U>(a: Left<T>, b: Either<U, B>): Left<T>
function lifted<T, U>(a: Either<T, A>, b: Either<U, B>): Either<U, R> | Left<T> {
// impl to come
return lifted;
类型,它们是联合.虽然事实证明 b.ap(a.map(f))
将始终有效,无论 a
或 b
是 Left
还是 Right
,但 [= 没有单个调用签名32=] 或 Either.ap
这对编译器来说显然是正确的。 Either
是一个联合类型,因此它的 ap
和 map
方法是函数的联合......和重载函数,引导。编译器无法以智能方式为所有这些重载联合解析调用签名。这类似于我一直在调用 correlated union types 时遇到的问题(参见 microsoft/TypeScript#30581)。
如果编译器要为 a
和 b
的四种可能性中的每一种重新计算 b.ap(a.map(f))
,它会对每一种都满意。但是因为你只有一行,所以编译器只考虑一次。没有诸如“control flow analysis which distributes over unions" (see microsoft/TypeScript#25051 这样的功能的封闭请求,如果它被实现,它会解决这个问题。)
1:使用 type assertions 之类的东西告诉编译器不要担心该行的类型安全,例如:
return (b as any).ap(a.map(f)); // uses any here
const aMapF = a.map(f);
return aMapF instanceof Left ? b.ap(aMapF) :
b instanceof Left ? b.ap(aMapF) :