jQuery 日期选择器 - 开始日期和结束日期的问题 类

jQuery Datepicker - issue with start and end dates classes

最初我正在寻找解决方案,以在 jQuery Datepicker, and the solution was given to me under this post

下为开始和结束日期生成一些 class

但只有开始日期和结束日期在同一个月内才有效。如果我需要滑动到下个月的某个时间以便 select 结束日期,那么这两个建议的代码都有问题。例如,如果我 select 4 月 24 日作为开始日期,5 月 6 日作为结束日期,它会在当月的最后一天刹车。




$(function () {
  var dates_selected = [];
  var firstdate_present = false;//is firstdate present in the current display?
  var lastdate_present = false;//is lastdate present in the current display?

    rangeSelect: true,
    dateFormat: "dd/mm/yyyy",
    changeMonth: false,
    prevText: "<",
    nextText: ">",
    showOtherMonths: true,
    dayNamesShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
    onShow: function (dates) {setTimeout(() => {Open();}, 0);},
    onChangeMonthYear: function (year, month) { Change(year, month);},
    onDate: highlightDays,
    onClose: Close,
    showTrigger: "#calImg",

  // function waits a return, false or true or other but
  // dunno the utility
  function highlightDays(date) {
    if (dates_selected.length == 0) return false;

    if (compareDates(date, dates_selected[0]) == 0) {
      firstdate_present = true;//yes present in current display
    if (compareDates(date, dates_selected[1]) == 0) {
      lastdate_present = true;//yes present in current display
    return true;

  function Change(y, m) {
    firstdate_present = false;
    lastdate_present = false;

  function Open() {
    if (dates_selected.length == 0) return;
    //current year month displayed YYYYMM
    let current = parseDate($(".datepick-month-header").text());
    //year month for first and last date of range
    let months = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getFullYear() * 100 + dates_selected[0].getMonth(), 
                             dates_selected[1].getFullYear() * 100 + dates_selected[1].getMonth());
    let days = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getDate(), dates_selected[1].getDate());
    //let years = new objDate(dates_selected[0].getFullYear(), dates_selected[1].getFullYear() );

    let others = $(".datepick-other-month").map( (_, e) => parseInt($(e).text())).get();

    if (firstdate_present && lastdate_present) {
      if (current == months.first && current == months.last) {
        $(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first, .datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
      } else if (current == months.first) {
        $(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first").addClass("selected");
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num < 15);
        let indexlast = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i <= indexlast; i++){
          if(i == indexlast ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
      } else if (current == months.last) {
        $(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length && others[i] > 15; i++){
          if(i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
      } else if (current != months.first && current != months.last) {  
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
        let indexlast = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i <= indexlast; i++){
            if( i == indexfirst || i == indexlast ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
    } else if (firstdate_present) {
      if (current == months.first) {
        $(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:first").addClass("selected");
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num < 15);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i <= others.length && i >= 0; i++){
      } else if (current != months.first) {  
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.first);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length; i++){
            if( i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
    } else if (lastdate_present) {
      if (current == months.last) {
        $(".datepick-popup .datepick-selected:last").addClass("selected");
        for(let i = 0; i <= others.length && others[i] >= 15; i++){
      } else if (current != months.last) {  
        let indexfirst = others.findIndex( num => num == days.last);
        for(let i = indexfirst; i < others.length; i++){
            if( i == indexfirst ) $(".datepick-other-month").eq(i).addClass("selected");
    } else if( current > months.first && current < months.last){


  function Close(dates) {
    dates_selected = dates;
    firstdate_present = false;
    lastdate_present = false;

  function compareDates(a, b) {
    if (a < b) return -1;
    if (a > b) return +1;

    return 0; // dates are equal

  function objDate(first, last) {
    this.first = first;
    this.last = last;
    this.same = first == last;

  // arg:string MMMM YYYY, return:number YYYYMM
  function parseDate(s) {
    // to adapt following the setting of name month displayed
    var months = {january: 0, february: 1, march: 2, april: 3, may: 4, june: 5, july: 6, august: 7, september: 8, october: 9, november: 10, december: 11};
    var p = s.split(" ");
    return parseInt(p[1]) * 100 + parseInt(months[p[0].toLowerCase()]);