Transcrypt 是否支持 smtplib?

Does Transcrypt support smtplib?

我需要 smtplib 和其他库 是否可以为此目的使用 Transcrypt?

import os
import telebot
import smtplib
import textwrap
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication

transcrypt -m -b -n .\

导入错误,找不到任何: ./email/mime/application/

简短的回答是否定的,例如参见 [​​=11=]:

Web batteries: Seamless access to any existing JavaScript library has been favored over inclusion of many Python libraries in the distribution. There are some exceptions to this rule, e.g. math, cmath, random, itertools, re, time, datetime and turtle, and some more may follow, but in general the accent is on libraries that are relevant in the browser.

要从浏览器发送电子邮件,您可能 call a third party service using ajax as in these Whosebug answers

要从服务器端这样做,而不是在节点中使用从 python 编译的 js,您可能更愿意直接使用 python。