Django 渲染指定目录下不存在的模板

Django renders a template that does not exist in specified directory

我有模型 'Video' 并且我有这个模型的列表视图,然后在另一个应用程序中我试图创建一个视图 'UserVideosListView' 供专用用户查看。当我在为此视图制作任何模板之前在浏览器中打开页面时,我能够看到当前用户的视频(不是所有视频)。

# inside 'users' app
class UserVideosListView(ListView):
    model = Video
    template_name = "users/user_videos.html"
    context_object_name = 'videos'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['videos'] = Video.objects.filter(author=self.request.user)
        return context

# inside 'videos' app
class VideoListView(ListView):
    model = Video
    paginate_by = 25
    template_name = 'videos/video_list.html'
    context_object_name = 'videos'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['videos'] = Video.published_videos.all()
        return context

P.S。我确定我输入的 URL 是最新的,'users' 目录


Django 呈现 videos/video_list.html 因为 ListView 基于 MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixinBaseListView:

class ListView(MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, BaseListView):
    Render some list of objects, set by `self.model` or `self.queryset`.
    `self.queryset` can actually be any iterable of items, not just a queryset.

Within MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin (GitHub),模板名称也是根据model.

# If the list is a queryset, we'll invent a template name based on the
# app and model name. This name gets put at the end of the template
# name list so that user-supplied names override the automatically-
# generated ones.
if hasattr(self.object_list, 'model'):
    opts = self.object_list.model._meta
    names.append("%s/%s%s.html" % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name, self.template_name_suffix))

Django docs says MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin:


The suffix to append to the auto-generated candidate template name. Default suffix is _list.


Returns a list of candidate template names. Returns the following list:

  • the value of template_name on the view (if provided)
  • <app_label>/<model_name><template_name_suffix>.html

我建议你覆盖 get_queryset() 方法而不是 get_context_data()

class UserVideosListView(ListView):
    model = Video
    context_object_name = 'videos'

    def get_queryset(self):
        return <b>super().get_queryset().filter(author=self.request.user))</b>