VBA 复制多个工作簿中的所有工作表

VBA to copy all sheets from multiple workbooks

我正在尝试制作一个 VBA 可以打开多个工作簿(也只有一个),将所有工作表复制到另一个工作簿中。我想让我的代码直接从 PersonalWorkbook 运行,这样我就可以在我想要的任何新工作簿中使用它。


Sub conso()
Dim folderpath As String
Dim file As String
Dim i As Long

folderpath = InputBox("Please paste the folder path", "Choose Folder") & "\"
file = Dir(folderpath)

Do While file <> ""
    Workbooks.Open folderpath & file
        ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Copy after:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count)
        'ActiveSheet.Name = Right(Left(file, Len(file) - 5), Len(Left(file, Len(file) - 5)) - InStr(1, Left(file, Len(file) - 5), "("))
        'ActiveSheet.Name = file
        ActiveSheet.Name = Left(file, InStr(file, ".") - 1)
    file = Dir()

End Sub


Sub open_and_copy_sheets()

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim my_FileName As Variant
Dim nm As String
Dim nm2 As String
Dim i As Integer

nm = ActiveWorkbook.Name

my_FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*;*.xm*")
If my_FileName <> False Then
    Workbooks.Open Filename:=my_FileName
End If

nm2 = ActiveWorkbook.Name

For i = 1 To Workbooks(nm2).Worksheets.Count
      Sheets(i).Copy after:=Workbooks(nm).Sheets(Workbooks(nm).Sheets.Count)
Next i

Workbooks(nm2).Close SaveChanges:=False


Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激!我在 vba 方面不太擅长,所以也欢迎任何解释:)

如果您希望该功能在您的 PersonalWorkbook 中可用,请通过 VBA 编辑器在您的 Personal.XLSB 下方创建一个“模块”(参见屏幕截图)。我稍微修正了你的代码:

Option Explicit

Sub test()

    Dim destinationFile As Variant
    Dim sourceWbk As Workbook
    Dim destinationWbk As Workbook
    Dim sheet As Worksheet
    Dim index As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set sourceWbk = ActiveWorkbook
    destinationFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*;*.xm*")
    If destinationFile <> False Then
        Workbooks.Open fileName:=destinationFile
        Set destinationWbk = ActiveWorkbook
        For Each sheet In sourceWbk.Sheets
          sheet.Copy Before:=destinationWbk.Sheets(index)
          index = index + 1
        Next sheet
        MsgBox (index & " sheets copied")
        MsgBox ("No file selected. Action aborted.")
    End If
    Set sheet = Nothing
    Set sourceWbk = Nothing
    Set destinationWbk = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

它比你的要紧凑一些,它有一个或两个错误,而且即使没有选择目标工作簿,代码也会继续尝试复制。您只需要添加一行来保存最终的新工作簿(您可以使用“index”变量来查看它是否 > 1 作为检查以查看是否有任何要保存的内容。“Option Explicit”是个好主意在模块的顶部,它会检查您的代码以确保您使用的任何变量都已明确声明,这有助于避免键入错误。



第 1 步 - 询问用户他们是将工作表复制到单个文件还是多个文件:

    Public Function MasterCopy()

    Dim choice As Variant
    choice = InputBox("Enter S or M:", "Select whether to copy to a single or multiple sheets")
    Select Case UCase(choice)
        Case "S"
            Call FncSingleFileCopy
        Case "M"
            Call FncMultiFileCopy
        Case Else
            MsgBox ("Cancelled.")
    End Select
End Function

第 2 步:添加两个函数,一个用于复制倍数,一个用于复制单数:

    Private Function FncMultiFileCopy()

    Dim destinationFile As Variant
    Dim sourceWbk As Workbook
    Dim folderPath As String
    Dim copied As Integer
    Set sourceWbk = ActiveWorkbook
    folderPath = InputBox("Please paste the folder path", "Choose Folder")
    If (folderPath) <> "" Then
        folderPath = folderPath & "\"
        destinationFile = Dir(folderPath)

        Do While destinationFile <> ""
            If InStr(destinationFile, ".xls") > 1 Then
                Call FncCopySheets(sourceWbk, folderPath & destinationFile)
            End If
            destinationFile = Dir()
        MsgBox ("Finished.")
        MsgBox ("Cancelled.")
    End If
    Set sourceWbk = Nothing
End Function

Private Function FncSingleFileCopy()

    Dim destinationFile As Variant
    Dim sourceWbk As Workbook
    Dim copied As Integer
    Set sourceWbk = ActiveWorkbook
    destinationFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*;*.xm*")
    If destinationFile <> False Then
        copied = FncCopySheets(sourceWbk, destinationFile)
        MsgBox (copied & " sheets copied")
        MsgBox ("No file selected. Action aborted.")
    End If
    Set sourceWbk = Nothing
End Function

第 3 步:最后,使用源工作簿和目标文件来复制工作表的函数,可以从前两个函数中的任何一个调用:

    Private Function FncCopySheets(sourceWbk As Workbook, destinationFile As Variant) As Integer
    Dim destinationWbk As Workbook
    Dim sht As Worksheet
    Dim shtsCopied As Integer
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set destinationWbk = Workbooks.Open(destinationFile)
    For Each sht In sourceWbk.Sheets
        sht.Copy Before:=destinationWbk.Sheets(1)
        shtsCopied = shtsCopied + 1
    Next sht
    destinationWbk.Close (True)
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    FncCopySheets = shtsCopied
    Set destinationWbk = Nothing
End Function