是 RandomAccess 和 hasLength 但不是 hasSlicing 的 D 范围?

A D range that is RandomAccess and hasLength but not hasSlicing?

在 Phobos 的 findSplit 实现中,我们有 this special case:

static if (isSomeString!R1 && isSomeString!R2
        || (isRandomAccessRange!R1 && hasSlicing!R1 && hasLength!R1 && hasLength!R2))
    auto balance = find!pred(haystack, needle);
    immutable pos1 = haystack.length - balance.length;
    immutable pos2 = balance.empty ? pos1 : pos1 + needle.length;
    return Result!(typeof(haystack[0 .. pos1]),
                   typeof(haystack[pos2 .. haystack.length]))(haystack[0 .. pos1],
                                                              haystack[pos1 .. pos2],
                                                              haystack[pos2 .. haystack.length]);

这里的大部分限制都是有意义的。我知道我们需要一个随机访问的范围,并且 haystackneedle 都需要一个大小。但是 hasSlicing 检查让我感到惊讶。

我希望任何同时为 RandomAccesshasLength 的范围都能够支持 Slicing。尽管是 RandomAccesshasLength,但是否存在本质上无法支持 Slicing 的示例范围?


我直接找到了源头,并在 Twitter 上询问了 Andrei Alexandrescu。 He responded:

I don't think there's an interesting case of a random access range without slicing (or vice versa). When we introduced ranges we wanted to be as general as possible, but that turned out to be overengineering.