从 YouTube 视频中提取音频

Extract audio from YouTube video

我正在尝试从 pytube 视频中提取音频,然后将其转换为 wav 格式。为了从视频中提取音频,我尝试使用 moviepy,但我找不到使用 VideoFileClip 从字节打开视频文件的方法。我不想一直保存文件然后再阅读它们。


from pytube import YouTube
import moviepy.editor as mp

yt_video = BytesIO()
yt_audio = BytesIO()

yt = YouTube(text)
videoStream = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
videoStream.stream_to_buffer(yt_video) # save video to buffer

my_clip = mp.VideoFileClip(yt_video) # processing video 

my_clip.audio.write_audiofile(yt_audio) # extracting audio from video

您可以获取流的 URL 并使用 ffmpeg-python 提取音频。

ffmpeg-python 模块将 FFmpeg 作为子进程执行并将音频读入内存缓冲区。 FFmpeg 将音频转码为 WAC 容器中的 PCM 编解码器(在内存缓冲区中)。


from pytube import YouTube
import ffmpeg

text = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07m_bT5_OrU'

yt = YouTube(text)

# https://github.com/pytube/pytube/issues/301
stream_url = yt.streams.all()[0].url  # Get the URL of the video stream

# Probe the audio streams (use it in case you need information like sample rate):
#probe = ffmpeg.probe(stream_url)
#audio_streams = next((stream for stream in probe['streams'] if stream['codec_type'] == 'audio'), None)
#sample_rate = audio_streams['sample_rate']

# Read audio into memory buffer.
# Get the audio using stdout pipe of ffmpeg sub-process.
# The audio is transcoded to PCM codec in WAC container.
audio, err = (
    .output("pipe:", format='wav', acodec='pcm_s16le')  # Select WAV output format, and pcm_s16le auidio codec. My add ar=sample_rate

# Write the audio buffer to file for testing
with open('audio.wav', 'wb') as f:


  • 您可能需要下载 FFmpeg 命令行工具。
  • 代码示例可以正常工作,但是我不确定它有多健壮。