"Sphere embedded in a triangle"

"Sphere embedded in a triangle"

我开始阅读有关游戏物理的文章,他们说了很多遍这句话。这是什么意思?这是 this 文章中的示例:

First we check for the easy case - collision inside the triangle. If this happens it must be at time t0 as this is when the sphere rests on the front side of the triangle plane. Note, this can only happen if the sphere is not embedded in the triangle plane.

一个三角形位于一个平面上——只有一个平面包含三角形的所有 3 个顶点。我怀疑他们认为一个球体在平面上是 "embedded" 如果它与它重叠,每边都有球体的一些部分。

