是否可以在 GLib 新结构化日志记录中为每个 domain/log_level 设置不同的编写器函数?

Is it possible to set different writer functions per domain/log_level in GLib new structured logging?

GLib 有一个有趣的功能:能够为每个不同的域和日志级别设置不同的日志记录(即:显示或保存等)功能,例如:

/* Set handler for warnings from empty (application) domain */
g_log_set_handler (NULL, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, my_log_handler, NULL);

/* Set handler for critical messages from Gtk+ */
g_log_set_handler ("Gtk", G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, my_log_handler, NULL);


This has no effect if structured logging is enabled; see Using Structured Logging.

我没有找到与此功能相关的任何其他内容(即:per-domain/level 处理程序)。这不可能吗?为什么 GLib 会放弃这么有用的功能?

Is this not possible?


使用结构化日志记录实现自定义处理日志的新方法是 g_log_set_writer_func()


#include <glib.h>

static GLogWriterOutput
my_log_writer_func (GLogLevelFlags log_level,
                    const GLogField *fields,
                    size_t n_fields,
                    void *user_data)
  if (log_level & G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL) {
    // Do something special with criticals

    // For example purposes, let's just log it to stdout/stderr
    return g_log_writer_standard_streams (log_level, fields, n_fields, user_data);

  if (log_level & G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) {
    // This is not something you should do since it will make
    // debugging harder, but let's just do it for example purposes:
    // by returning G_LOG_WRITER_HANDLED without actually logging it,
    // the log message will not be outputted anywhere

  // If you _really_ want to, you can still check on the GLib domain,
  // as it will be set in one of the GLogFields

  // Default case: use the default logger
  return g_log_writer_default (log_level, fields, n_fields, user_data);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  g_log_set_writer_func (my_log_writer_func, NULL, NULL);

  // Run your application

Why would GLib resign of such an useful feature?

正如我之前提到的,GLib 并未硬性放弃对自定义日志实现的支持(请注意,这一切仅在您 显式 启用结构化日志记录时有效)。我相信一般的想法是越来越多的 GUI 应用程序从桌面(例如 GNOME Shell)或其他 UI 方式启动,因此要查看日志,您已经必须查看系统日志,例如使用 journalctl.


journalctl 的一些示例命令是:(请注意,您可以轻松组合过滤器)

# Only show logs of the application with the given commandline name
$ journalctl _COMM=my-application-name
# Only show logs of your application with a given pid
$ journalctl _PID=$YOUR_APPS_PID
# Only show logs of your application with level WARNING or higher
$ journalctl -p warning
# Only show logs with with the given GLib domain
$ journalctl -f GLIB_DOMAIN=Gtk