ERC20 代币合约 / 在 Etherscan 上验证后,所有代币合约都对 public 可见

ERC20 token contracts / after verifying on Etherscan, all token contracts become visible to the public

我对一般的 ERC20 代币合约有疑问:

显然在 Etherscan 上验证后,所有代币合约都对 public 可见。


Apparently after verifying on Etherscan, all token contracts become visible to the public.

它们的字节码在部署时已经 public。你也只是在制作源代码 public。

Isn't that a security risk ?


但如果您的合约确实存在安全漏洞,即使不发布源代码也部署它存在安全风险。有一些方法可以在某种程度上将字节码“反编译”为一些伪代码甚至是 Solidity,因此即使源代码未发布,任何人都可以看到你的合约逻辑。

What if we do not verify our contract ?


Can some of these contracts (that are verified and visible) on the Etherscan be used again for new coins, or are they copyright protected ?
