使用 Python3 在 Sage 中绘制欧拉方法的图形
Plotting a Graph for Euler's Method in Sage using Python3
我一直收到错误,我认为它来自 yy=function ("yy", x) 行,但我不确定如何修复它。甚至肯定这是我的问题。
print("1. Using Euler’s method, compute an approximate value for y(1) ")
print(" for the differential equation")
print(" y'=-y")
print(" y(0)=1.")
print(" using n=100 steps.Then graph its true solution and the table")
print(" obtained from Euler’s Method.")
def PrintEuler(a,b,n,f, y0):
#copy here its implementation!!!
#set up the initial values
h = (b-a)/n
xi = a
yi = y0
#print the first line of the table
print ("y("+str(a.n()) +") = ", y0.n())
for i in [1,2,..,n]:
#compute the next value of yi
yi= yi+h*f(xi,yi)
#prepare for the next x
xi = xi + h
#print the next line of the table
print ("y("+str(xi.n()) +") = ", yi.n())
#set up the problem
a = 0; b = 1; n = 100
f(x,y) = -y
y0 = 1
#call the function for Euler’s Method
PrintEuler(a,b,n,f, y0)
def PlotEuler(a,b,n,f, y0):
#set up the initial values
h = (b-a)/n
xi = a
yi = y0
#print the first line of the table
EulerTable= [(xi, y0)]
for i in [1,2,..,n]:
#compute the next value of yi
yi= yi+h*f(xi,yi)
#prepare for the next x
xi = xi + h
#compute the next node, add it to the table
#plot the points obtained from Euler’s Method
p = list_plot (EulerTable, color= "red", size = 70)
#compute the actual solution
yy = function(yy, x)
ActualSol(x) = desolve( diff(yy,x) == f(x,yy), yy, ics=[a,y0])
#plot the actual solution
p+=plot(ActualSol(x), x, a, a+n*h ,color = "blue", thickness = 2)
#set up the problem
a = 0; b = 1; n = 100
f(x,y) = -y
y0 = 1
#call the function for Euler’s Method
PlotEuler(a,b,n,f, y0)
Error in lines 26-39
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cocalc/lib/python3.8/site-packages/smc_sagews/sage_server.py", line 1231, in execute
compile(block + '\n',
File "<string>", line 11
yy = function(yy, x)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
yy = function(yy x)
ActualSol(x) = desolve( diff(yy,x) == f(x,yy), yy, ics=[a,y0])
yy = function("yy")
ActualSol(x) = desolve(diff(yy(x),x) == f(x,yy(x)), yy(x), ics=[a,y0])
我一直收到错误,我认为它来自 yy=function ("yy", x) 行,但我不确定如何修复它。甚至肯定这是我的问题。
print("1. Using Euler’s method, compute an approximate value for y(1) ")
print(" for the differential equation")
print(" y'=-y")
print(" y(0)=1.")
print(" using n=100 steps.Then graph its true solution and the table")
print(" obtained from Euler’s Method.")
def PrintEuler(a,b,n,f, y0):
#copy here its implementation!!!
#set up the initial values
h = (b-a)/n
xi = a
yi = y0
#print the first line of the table
print ("y("+str(a.n()) +") = ", y0.n())
for i in [1,2,..,n]:
#compute the next value of yi
yi= yi+h*f(xi,yi)
#prepare for the next x
xi = xi + h
#print the next line of the table
print ("y("+str(xi.n()) +") = ", yi.n())
#set up the problem
a = 0; b = 1; n = 100
f(x,y) = -y
y0 = 1
#call the function for Euler’s Method
PrintEuler(a,b,n,f, y0)
def PlotEuler(a,b,n,f, y0):
#set up the initial values
h = (b-a)/n
xi = a
yi = y0
#print the first line of the table
EulerTable= [(xi, y0)]
for i in [1,2,..,n]:
#compute the next value of yi
yi= yi+h*f(xi,yi)
#prepare for the next x
xi = xi + h
#compute the next node, add it to the table
#plot the points obtained from Euler’s Method
p = list_plot (EulerTable, color= "red", size = 70)
#compute the actual solution
yy = function(yy, x)
ActualSol(x) = desolve( diff(yy,x) == f(x,yy), yy, ics=[a,y0])
#plot the actual solution
p+=plot(ActualSol(x), x, a, a+n*h ,color = "blue", thickness = 2)
#set up the problem
a = 0; b = 1; n = 100
f(x,y) = -y
y0 = 1
#call the function for Euler’s Method
PlotEuler(a,b,n,f, y0)
Error in lines 26-39
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/cocalc/lib/python3.8/site-packages/smc_sagews/sage_server.py", line 1231, in execute
compile(block + '\n',
File "<string>", line 11
yy = function(yy, x)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
yy = function(yy x)
ActualSol(x) = desolve( diff(yy,x) == f(x,yy), yy, ics=[a,y0])
yy = function("yy")
ActualSol(x) = desolve(diff(yy(x),x) == f(x,yy(x)), yy(x), ics=[a,y0])