如何让 if else 在 ng-repeat 中与 ng-switch 一起工作?

How to have if else work in ng-repeat with ng-switch?


或任何其他 ng


vm.transactions = [
    type: 'incoming',
    comment: 'Recieved from multiple addresses',
    time: '10 hours ago',
    amount: 0.00498623
    type: 'incoming',
    comment: 'Recieve from 1MgZLyz6d8djEqe68XoPpsjx9BFQyVAtXN',
    time: '12 hours ago',
    amount: 0.003
    type: 'outgoing',
    comment: 'Sent to 17dPAMzZiosQYVty6ES4KSWN8R8XFcxShH',
    time: 'Jan 15th 2015',
    amount: 0.01
    type: 'incoming',
    comment: 'Recieved from multiple addresses',
    time: 'Jan 14th 2015',
    amount: 0.02874
    type: 'outgoing',
    comment: 'Sent to 1GS9E86Y3mhK7Qwm1vqvgCmpE5u6MMxPML',
    time: 'Jan 12th 2015',
    amount: 0.064904

我找到了这些关于 ng-switch



<ANY ng-switch="expression">
  <ANY ng-switch-when="matchValue1">...</ANY>
  <ANY ng-switch-when="matchValue2">...</ANY>
  <ANY ng-switch-default>...</ANY>


<tr class="row_body"
    ng-repeat="trans in transactions">

    <td class="td_icon" ng-switch="{{trans.type}}">
        <div ng-switch-when="incoming" class="icon-download">↓</div>
        <div ng-switch-when="outgoing" class="icon-upload">↑</div>
    <td class="td_comment">
        {{ trans.comment }}
        <p class="date">{{ trans.time }}</p>
    <td class="td_amount green">{{ trans.amount }}</td>

你知道我错在哪里了吗?还是我需要使用另一个 ng


<td class="td_icon" ng-switch="{{trans.type}}">

<td class="td_icon" ng-switch="trans.type">

术语 expression 在 angular 文档中有时会令人困惑

Working Plunker

您想删除此行的大括号(angular 将为您计算 ng-switch 的值):

<!-- before -->
<td class="td_icon" ng-switch="{{trans.type}}">

<!-- after -->
<td class="td_icon" ng-switch="trans.type">