tuneGrid 在神经网络模型中无法正常工作
tuneGrid not working properly in neural network model
我想使用 caret 包构建一个神经网络分类器。我已经指定了一个带有一些超参数的 tunegrid,我想测试这些超参数以获得最佳精度。
在我 运行 模型之后,train function 函数将始终默认为标准衰减和大小值。这是插入符号中的错误吗?还是我的代码有问题?
nnet_grid <- expand.grid(.decay = c(0.5, 0.1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7), .size = c(3, 5, 10, 20))
features.nn <- train(label ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trControl,
data = features,
tunegrid = nnet_grid,
verbose = FALSE)
No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
size decay Accuracy Kappa
1 0e+00 0.10904762 0.0645
1 1e-04 0.10142857 0.0565
1 1e-01 0.14380952 0.1010
3 0e+00 0.09571429 0.0505
3 1e-04 0.05523810 0.0080
3 1e-01 0.19190476 0.1515
5 0e+00 0.13000000 0.0865
5 1e-04 0.14761905 0.1050
5 1e-01 0.31809524 0.2840
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 5 and decay = 0.1.
您提供了错误的参数,它应该是 tuneGrid =
而不是 tunegrid =
,因此插入符将其解释为 nnet
根据您在上面看到的网格,插入符号将选择精度最高的模型,从提供的结果来看,它的大小为 5,衰减为 0.1,精度最高为 0.318。
data = MASS::Pima.tr
nnet_grid <- expand.grid(
decay = c(0.5, 1e-2, 1e-3),
size = c(3,5,10,20))
nn <- train( type ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",10),
data = data,
tuneGrid = nnet_grid,
verbose = FALSE)
Neural Network
200 samples
7 predictor
2 classes: 'No', 'Yes'
No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 179, 180, 180, 181, 180, 180, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size Accuracy Kappa
0.001 3 0.7211153 0.3138427
0.001 5 0.6253008 0.1391728
0.001 10 0.6948747 0.2848068
0.001 20 0.6546366 0.2369800
0.010 3 0.7103509 0.3215962
0.010 5 0.6861153 0.2861830
0.010 10 0.6596115 0.2438720
0.010 20 0.6448496 0.1722412
0.500 3 0.6403258 0.1484703
0.500 5 0.6603258 0.1854491
0.500 10 0.6603509 0.1896705
0.500 20 0.6400877 0.1642272
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 3 and decay = 0.001.
不太确定您是否缩放了数据,但通常您需要它,请参阅 post:
nn <- train( type ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",10),
data = data,
tuneGrid = nnet_grid,
preProcess = c("center","scale"),
verbose = FALSE)
Neural Network
200 samples
7 predictor
2 classes: 'No', 'Yes'
Pre-processing: centered (7), scaled (7)
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 180, 180, 180, 179, 180, 180, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size Accuracy Kappa
0.001 3 0.7158772 0.3699193
0.001 5 0.6653759 0.2586270
0.001 10 0.6458772 0.2193141
0.001 20 0.6606140 0.2648904
0.010 3 0.6945865 0.3465460
0.010 5 0.6706140 0.2479049
0.010 10 0.6651128 0.2433722
0.010 20 0.6858521 0.2918013
0.500 3 0.7403759 0.4060926
0.500 5 0.7453759 0.4154149
0.500 10 0.7553759 0.4345907
0.500 20 0.7553759 0.4275870
我想使用 caret 包构建一个神经网络分类器。我已经指定了一个带有一些超参数的 tunegrid,我想测试这些超参数以获得最佳精度。
在我 运行 模型之后,train function 函数将始终默认为标准衰减和大小值。这是插入符号中的错误吗?还是我的代码有问题?
nnet_grid <- expand.grid(.decay = c(0.5, 0.1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7), .size = c(3, 5, 10, 20))
features.nn <- train(label ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trControl,
data = features,
tunegrid = nnet_grid,
verbose = FALSE)
No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
size decay Accuracy Kappa
1 0e+00 0.10904762 0.0645
1 1e-04 0.10142857 0.0565
1 1e-01 0.14380952 0.1010
3 0e+00 0.09571429 0.0505
3 1e-04 0.05523810 0.0080
3 1e-01 0.19190476 0.1515
5 0e+00 0.13000000 0.0865
5 1e-04 0.14761905 0.1050
5 1e-01 0.31809524 0.2840
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 5 and decay = 0.1.
您提供了错误的参数,它应该是 tuneGrid =
而不是 tunegrid =
,因此插入符将其解释为 nnet
根据您在上面看到的网格,插入符号将选择精度最高的模型,从提供的结果来看,它的大小为 5,衰减为 0.1,精度最高为 0.318。
data = MASS::Pima.tr
nnet_grid <- expand.grid(
decay = c(0.5, 1e-2, 1e-3),
size = c(3,5,10,20))
nn <- train( type ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",10),
data = data,
tuneGrid = nnet_grid,
verbose = FALSE)
Neural Network
200 samples
7 predictor
2 classes: 'No', 'Yes'
No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 179, 180, 180, 181, 180, 180, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size Accuracy Kappa
0.001 3 0.7211153 0.3138427
0.001 5 0.6253008 0.1391728
0.001 10 0.6948747 0.2848068
0.001 20 0.6546366 0.2369800
0.010 3 0.7103509 0.3215962
0.010 5 0.6861153 0.2861830
0.010 10 0.6596115 0.2438720
0.010 20 0.6448496 0.1722412
0.500 3 0.6403258 0.1484703
0.500 5 0.6603258 0.1854491
0.500 10 0.6603509 0.1896705
0.500 20 0.6400877 0.1642272
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 3 and decay = 0.001.
不太确定您是否缩放了数据,但通常您需要它,请参阅 post:
nn <- train( type ~ .,
method = "nnet",
trControl = trainControl(method="cv",10),
data = data,
tuneGrid = nnet_grid,
preProcess = c("center","scale"),
verbose = FALSE)
Neural Network
200 samples
7 predictor
2 classes: 'No', 'Yes'
Pre-processing: centered (7), scaled (7)
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 180, 180, 180, 179, 180, 180, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size Accuracy Kappa
0.001 3 0.7158772 0.3699193
0.001 5 0.6653759 0.2586270
0.001 10 0.6458772 0.2193141
0.001 20 0.6606140 0.2648904
0.010 3 0.6945865 0.3465460
0.010 5 0.6706140 0.2479049
0.010 10 0.6651128 0.2433722
0.010 20 0.6858521 0.2918013
0.500 3 0.7403759 0.4060926
0.500 5 0.7453759 0.4154149
0.500 10 0.7553759 0.4345907
0.500 20 0.7553759 0.4275870