如何通过 webhook 在 PayPal API 中确认每月订阅的账单?

How to confirm billing of a monthly subscription in PayPal API via webhook?

我正在尝试实现一个 PayPal 订阅流程,其中用户点击我通过仪表板创建的 PayPal 订阅按钮

在后端,我监听订阅计费成功时触发的 PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED webhook。不幸的是,webhook 没有向我发送太多信息,因此我无法在我的数据库中检索链接到刚刚计费订阅的用户和项目。


const response = {
        id: 'WH-4W487015EX264720U-32N35125TV248784B',
        event_version: '1.0',
        create_time: '2021-04-26T08:24:41.436Z',
        resource_type: 'sale',
        event_type: 'PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED',
        summary: 'Payment completed for EUR 6.9 EUR',
        resource: {
            billing_agreement_id: 'I-T2HP99MJTS1T',
            amount: {
                total: '6.90',
                currency: 'EUR',
                details: {
                    subtotal: '6.90'
            payment_mode: 'INSTANT_TRANSFER',
            update_time: '2021-04-26T08:23:59Z',
            create_time: '2021-04-26T08:23:59Z',
            protection_eligibility_type: 'ITEM_NOT_RECEIVED_ELIGIBLE,UNAUTHORIZED_PAYMENT_ELIGIBLE',
            transaction_fee: {
                currency: 'EUR',
                value: '0.48'
            protection_eligibility: 'ELIGIBLE',
            links: [
                    method: 'GET',
                    rel: 'self',
                    href: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/sale/6R7481343K8159132'
                    method: 'POST',
                    rel: 'refund',
                    href: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/payments/sale/6R7481343K8159132/refund'
            id: '6R7481343K8159132',
            state: 'completed',
            invoice_number: ''
        links: [
                href: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-4W487015EX264720U-32N35125TV248784B',
                rel: 'self',
                method: 'GET'
                href: 'https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/notifications/webhooks-events/WH-4W487015EX264720U-32N35125TV248784B/resend',
                rel: 'resend',
                method: 'POST'

我已经尝试 GET /v1/payments/sale/:id 但它并没有给我带来太多信息。

我还检查了有关该主题的其他堆栈溢出线程,但没有任何帮助。 我也不想使用前端 SDK 中提供的成功回调,因为它们不如 webhook 安全(连接可以在触发回调之前关闭 see this gitlab issue


我们终于找到了 解决方法 让我们的后端检索买家和物品。


在订阅按钮代码中,我们在大量 trial/errors 之后注意到 createSubscription 方法接受承诺,我们可以使用它在付款前将订阅 ID 发送到后端继续:

    style: {...},
    createSubscription: function (data, actions) {
        return actions.subscription.create({
            /* Creates the subscription */
            plan_id: 'P-26J60279VA924454WMCBPBSA',
        }).then(subscriptionId => { // subscriptionId == I-9DH5L3A3JAEB
            return new Promise((res, rej) => {
                // here we send the subscriptionId to the back-end
                // and create a pending subscription
                const body = {subscriptionId, userId, itemId};
                apiCall('POST', '/subscription', body,() => {
                    // allow to return subscriptionId to paypal
    onApprove: function (data, actions) {
       // this function was of NO USE
       // it is not safe to call your backend here
       // as connexion can close and paypal doesn't
       // wait after this function to capture payment
       // thus leading to orphaned subscriptions 
       // (paid but not linked to your backend)

后端(webhook 处理程序)

后端等待确认 webhook,其中 webhookResponse.resource.billing_agreement_id 是订阅 ID 并允许验证之前创建的订阅。我不太明白为什么 billing_agreement_id 没有命名为 subscrition_id...
