Openlayers 3:如何使用 ol.interaction.Select 以编程方式 select 功能?

Openlayers 3: how to select a feature programmatically using ol.interaction.Select?

我正在使用 OpenLayers v3.6(这很重要,因为我找到的大多数解决方案都可能适用于 OpenLayers 2)。

我有一个 table,当我 select 中的一行 table 时,我想 highlight/select OpenLayers 地图上的相应功能。所有特征都是简单的多边形(ol.geom.Polygon)在同一个向量层(ol.layer.Vector)。

我这样设置 select 互动:

// there is a lot of other code here
addSelectListener: function() {
    this.SelectInteraction = new ol.interaction.Select({
        layers: function (layer) {
            // defines layer from which features are selectable
            return layer.get('id') == 'polygons_layer';
        style: this.Style.Selected

    // Map = ol.Map
    this.SelectInteraction.on('select', this.selectPolygon, this);


selectPolygon: function(event) {
    var selectSrc = this.getSelectInfo(event);

    // some code that relies on selectSrc data


getSelectInfo: function (event) {
    var selectSrc = {
        deselected: null,
        selected: null,
        type: null                

    if (event.selected.length == 0 && event.deselected.length == 1) {
        // click outside of polygon with previously selected
        selectSrc.type = 'deselect';
        selectSrc.deselected = {
            feature: event.deselected[0],
            id: event.deselected[0].getId()

    } else if (event.deselected.length == 0 && event.selected.length == 1) {
        // click on polygon without previously selected
        selectSrc.type = 'select';
        selectSrc.selected = {
            feature: event.selected[0],
            id: event.selected[0].getId()

    } else if (event.deselected.length == 0 && event.selected.length == 1) {
        // click on polygon with previously selected
        selectSrc.type = 'switch';
        selectSrc.deselected = {
            feature: event.deselected[0],
            id: event.deselected[0].getId()
        selectSrc.selected = {
            feature: event.selected[0],
            id: event.selected[0].getId()
    } else {
        selectSrc.type = 'out';

    return selectSrc;

当我想通过在地图上单击多边形 select 时,这个功能很好。但我想要的是实现相同的目标,不是通过单击地图而是单击地图外的某个元素(在我的示例中为 table 行,但它实际上可以是任何东西)。

我想使用 select 交互,因为发出的事件以及它应用于 selected 功能的样式。但是,如果有任何机会我可以在 select 交互中操纵 selected 功能而不需要相同的事件,那就没问题了。

我知道这个问题和答案 - Openlayers 3: Select a feature programmatically - 但问题是我不能在评论中要求澄清(例如,mySelectControl), 因为我没有任何声望:)

方法在linked题中。因此,将 ol.Feature 推入所选集合:

var select = new ol.interaction.Select({
    //some options

var selected_collection = select.getFeatures();



// OR

  type: 'select',
  selected: [featurePoly],
  deselected: []

See demo!