Binance api 仅获取 USDT 对 - 通过仅从最后 4 个字母为 USDT 的交易品种获取数据来实现

Binance api get only USDT pairs - Achieve that by only getting data from symbol that has USDT as the last 4 letters

我这里有一个函数可以从 binance api 获取数据,但问题是,它获取所有交易对。我只想在我的选择器中显示以 USDT 结尾的那些。我该怎么做?

        public class Crypto
            public string symbol { get; set; }
            public string price { get; set; }

        private async void GetSymbol()
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
            var response = await client.GetStringAsync("");
            var cryptoconverted = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Crypto>>(response);
            var sorted = cryptoconverted.OrderBy(x => x.symbol).ToList();
            pairPicker.ItemsSource = sorted;


您可以使用EndsWith() as a condition inside of Linq Where()方法:

 var sorted = cryptoconverted.OrderBy(x => x.symbol).Where(x => x.symbol.EndsWith("USDT")).ToList();