
Attach the most recent timestamp when value was changed to each row


user_id flag updated_at
123 1 101
123 0 101
123 1 102
123 1 103
123 1 104
124 0 101
124 0 102
124 0 110

我需要在 flag 值的最近更改时为每一行分配一个值,因此它应该如下所示:

user_id flag updated_at recent_updated_at
123 1 101 101
123 0 102 102
123 1 103 103
123 1 104 103
123 1 105 103
124 0 101 101
124 0 102 101
124 0 110 101


with raw_dataset as (
            SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 102 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 104 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 105 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 110 as updated_at

, dataset as (
select * from (
--    lag(flag, 1, -1) over (partition by user_id order by updated_at ASC) as lag_,
    row_number() over (partition by user_id, flag order by updated_at ASC) as rn
  from raw_dataset
SELECT *, first_value(updated_at) over (partition by user_id,flag order by rn ASC) FROM dataset 
ORDER BY user_id, updated_at ASC

有什么想法、提示吗? 提前致谢!


with raw_dataset as (
            SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 102 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 104 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 105 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 1 as flag, 110 as updated_at

, dataset as (
  select *,
    row_number() over (partition by user_id order by updated_at ASC) 
    - row_number() over (partition by user_id, flag order by updated_at ASC) as grp
  from raw_dataset
SELECT *, min(updated_at) over (partition by user_id, flag, grp)
FROM dataset 
ORDER BY user_id, updated_at ASC

您似乎想要 flag 值更改的最近时间。你的问题比较混乱,因为问题中的数据与代码中的数据不同。


with raw_dataset as (
            SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 0 as flag, 102 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 104 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 123 as user_id, 1 as flag, 105 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 0 as flag, 101 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 0 as flag, 103 as updated_at
  UNION ALL SELECT 124 as user_id, 0 as flag, 110 as updated_at
select rd.*,
       max(case when prev_flag is null or prev_flag <> flag then updated_at end) over (
            partition by user_id
            order by updated_at
           ) as most_recent_updated_at
from (select rd.*,
             lag(flag) over (partition by user_id order by updated_at) as prev_flag
      from raw_dataset rd
     ) rd;


Here 是一个 db<>fiddle.