scrollView 轮播中的居中视图反应原生水平按钮列表 - javascript
Centering view in scrollView carousel react native list of horizontal buttons - javascript
我尝试了很多来自 React Native 文档的属性,在 google 上进行了一些搜索,尤其是 Whosebug,但是 none 似乎在两个平台上都有效 android 和ios 同时我不知道在这种情况下使用哪一个。 我在 ScrollView 中有一个按钮列表 20 我希望视图最初位于中心的按钮上。
const 按钮 = [...Array(21).keys()]
{> <TouchableOpacity key={button}>button</TouchableOpacity>)}
我希望 10 号按钮位于屏幕中央,感谢初始视图帮助。
// simple array that has numbers from 0 till 20
const buttons = [...Array(21).keys()];
const [scrollView, setScrollView] = useState(null);
const scrollToIndex = (contentSize) => {
// getting desired index of button or you can simply do e.g. (const index = 2)
// for this example you can pass index = 10 or 9 to be centered perfectly or contentSize / 2
const index = options.reduce((acc, option, idx) => (option === 'desired-button-to-be-shown' ? (acc = idx) : acc));
// setting view to be centered on that index
scrollView.scrollTo({ x: (contentSize / options.length) * (index - 1) });
// this is your ScrollView Carousel / Slider
// saving SrcollView reference in state
ref={(scrollViewRef) => setScrollView(scrollViewRef)}
// getting the width of the whole ScrollView (all your content e.g. images / buttons)
onContentSizeChange={(contentSize) => scrollToIndex(contentSize)}
{ => (
<TouchableOpacity key={button}>button</TouchableOpacity>