c++ 初学者,string.replace,代码编译但终止 - 如何用另一个字符替换数字?

c++ beginner, string.replace, code compiles but terminates - how do you replace numbers with another character?

在我的代码中,我试图提示用户输入他们的姓名、社会保险号、用户 ID 和密码,同时以 "xxx-xx-xxx" 格式输出社会保险号,基本上将所有数字替换为 x,密码中的字符也为 x

尽管如此,我在最初的社会保障部分遇到了严重的困难,因为在我对其进行测试时,代码可以编译,但它会终止。我认为我的问题是我对循环感到困扰。我应该为这个循环创建一个函数,还是完全错误?有人可以向我解释 string::replace() 函数以及 string::insert() 函数吗?



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string topSecret(string);//prototype for topSecret function after main

int main()
    //Top Secret Input
    string name, social, userName, password;
    cout << "Enter your first name, Social Security number (digits only), userID (no spaces within ID), and password (no spaces within password) - with a space between each entry: ";
    cin >> name >> social >> userName >> password;
    cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "SSN: " << social.replace(0,social.length(), "X");
    cout << "SSN: " << social.insert(2,"-") << endl;
    cout << "UserID: " << userName << endl;
    cout << "Password: " << topSecret(password) << endl;

    return 0;
}//end main

string topSecret (string password)//replace all characters in password to an X
    string::size_type length;
    string::size_type pw;
    for (pw = 0; pw < password.length(); pw++)//for the duration of the password
    }//end for loop
}//end topSecret

topSecret() 函数除了迭代字符串外没有做任何事情,它没有 return 任何值 - 你应该从中得到一个编译警告。

未指定 void 作为其 return 值的函数必须 always return 某些东西,不这样做会导致未定义的行为.在这种情况下,operator<<() 尝试打印的 std::string 实例可能最终指向无效内存,从而导致崩溃。

仅供参考,任何时候你不理解 C++ 函数,你可以 google 它,你应该在 cplusplus.com 弹出窗口中找到很好的解释。我就是从那里得到我要告诉你的信息的。

编辑:正如另一个人所说,cppreference.com 也应该出现,这也是需要查看的地方。忘记加了,哈哈

string::replace 获取起始位置、长度和替换它的字符串。




我们的函数将接受输入字符串并对其进行修改,因为这是最简单的方法,因为 string::replace 已经这样做了。




#include <functional>
#include <string>

void conditionalReplaceWith(
        string &str, std::function<bool(char)> test, std::string repWith) {

请注意,为了获取字符串引用,我们使用 &str 并获取函数,我们使用标准库的一部分 std::function 并将其声明为 return a bool 并取一个 char 作为参数。


bool testFuncToPassIn(char c) {



使用 stringstreams 有更好的方法来做到这一点,但是因为你暗示你正在尝试做 string::replace,我已经使用它来代替。

我也会使用 const 引用,但由于您是初学者,此时不值得解释。你还不需要知道。

#include <functional>
#include <string>

void conditionalReplaceWith(
        string &str, std::function<bool(char)> test, std::string repWith) {
    // Loop over every character. This will work even after modifying str
    for(int pos = 0; pos < str.length(); pos++) {
        if(test(str[pos])) { // Check if the character should be replaced
            str.replace(pos, 1, repWith); // Replace it! Increases str.length()


bool isNotDash(char c) {
    return c != '-';


#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <string>

void conditionalReplaceWith(
        string &str, std::function<bool(char)> test, std::string repWith) {
    // Loop over every character. This will work even after modifying str
    for(int pos = 0; pos < str.length(); pos++) {
        if(test(str[pos])) { // Check if the character should be replaced
            str.replace(pos, 1, repWith); // Replace it! Increases str.length()

bool isNotDash(char c) {
    return c != '-';

int main() {
    std::string name, social, userName, password;
    std::cout << "Enter your first name, Social Security number (digits only), userID (no spaces within ID), and password (no spaces within password) - with a space between each entry: ";
    std::cin >> name >> social >> userName >> password;
    conditionalReplaceWith(social, isNotDash, "X");

最后,如果你想让你的绝密函数使用 conditionalReplaceWith,你可以这样做:

std::string topSecret(std::string password) {
    conditionalReplaceWith(password, [](char c) { return true; }, "X");
    return password;

那个小[](char c) { return true; }是一个匿名函数。它在那里声明了一个函数。

无论如何,这不会更改密码,因为请记住,密码是按值传递的。在这里修改它就像说std::string passwordCopy(password)然后先复制它。


好的 :] 所以,你们好,我以一种非常有意义的方式输出了这个,这要归功于你的贡献和我这边的一些阅读。我还去了 cppreference 站点阅读更多内容。非常感谢你的帮忙!这是我改进后的新代码。请告诉我大家的想法...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

bool isNotDash(char);//prototype for isNotDash
string xOut(string);//prototype for xOut function
string topSecret(string);//prototype for topSecret function after main

int main()
    //Top Secret Input
    string name, social, userName, password;
    cout << "Enter your first name, Social Security number (000-00-000 format), userID (no spaces within ID), and password (no spaces within password) - with a space between each entry: ";
    cin >> name >> social >> userName >> password;
    cout << "Let's cover some of this up, shall we..." << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << name << endl;
    cout << "SSN: " << xOut(social) << endl;//calls xOut function to use as the output
    cout << "UserID: " << userName << endl;
    cout << "Password: " << topSecret(password) << endl;//calls topSecret function to use as output

    return 0;
}//end main

bool isNotDash(char n) //checks to see if within string social, is it a dash or number
    return n != '-'; // return any character that is not a dash - which would be a number
}//end isNotDash

string xOut(string social) // replace with X
    for(int x = 0; x < social.length(); x++)//loop through string
            if(isNotDash (social.at(x)))// calls isNotDash function to check to see if character, that is not a dash, should be replaced
            social.replace(x, 1, "X"); // start at position x, iterate, and x it out
        }//end if
    return social;
}//end xOut function

string topSecret (string password)//replace all characters in password to an X
    string::size_type length;
    for (int pw = 0; pw < password.length(); pw++)//declare and initialize integer pw to 0, as long as it does not exceed the length of password - loop
        password.replace(pw, 1, "X");//start at pos pw, iterate, and replace with x
    }//end for loop
    return password;
}//end topSecret