Writing/reading 字符串作为二进制文件放入随机访问的文件中
Writing/reading strings as binary into random accessed file
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::ofstream out {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
//all of length 5
std::string a[] {{"12345"}, {"6789A"}, {"BCDEF"}};
//write down strings without [=11=]
out.write(a[0].c_str(), a[0].length());
out.write(a[1].c_str(), a[1].length());
out.write(a[2].c_str(), a[2].length());
std::ifstream in {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
std::string s2 {5, '[=11=]'}; //I can store at least 5 chars
in.seekg(0 + 2 * 5); //try to read string of index 2
in.read(&s2[0], 5);
std::cout << s2 << std::endl; //prints "BC", not "BCDEF"
最后一行应该恢复字符串“BCDEF”,但只打印了“BC”(g++ 10.2.0)。
由于字符串具有固定长度,并且我将指定数量的字节(字符)写入文件,我应该能够使用 seekg
恢复它们(也就是说,我知道它们从哪里开始, 我可以在那里设置输入位置指示器来读取)。
请注意,我不认为这是 的副本,因为我直接写字符(我不需要 reinterpret_cast
这使用采用 std::initializer_list
std::string s2 {5, '[=10=]'};
... 并创建一个包含 2 个字符的字符串,其值为 5 和 0(或任何 [=13=]
应该是std::string s2 (5, '[=14=]');
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::ofstream out {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
//all of length 5
std::vector<std::string> a{{"12345"}, {"6789A"}, {"BCDEF"}};
//write down strings without [=11=]
for(auto& s : a)
out.write(s.c_str(), s.size());
std::ifstream in {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
std::string s2(5,'[=11=]'); //I can store at least 5 chars
in.seekg(0 + 2 * 5); //try to read string of index 2
in.read(s2.data(), 5);
std::cout << s2 << std::endl; //prints "BC", not "BCDEF"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::ofstream out {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
//all of length 5
std::string a[] {{"12345"}, {"6789A"}, {"BCDEF"}};
//write down strings without [=11=]
out.write(a[0].c_str(), a[0].length());
out.write(a[1].c_str(), a[1].length());
out.write(a[2].c_str(), a[2].length());
std::ifstream in {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
std::string s2 {5, '[=11=]'}; //I can store at least 5 chars
in.seekg(0 + 2 * 5); //try to read string of index 2
in.read(&s2[0], 5);
std::cout << s2 << std::endl; //prints "BC", not "BCDEF"
最后一行应该恢复字符串“BCDEF”,但只打印了“BC”(g++ 10.2.0)。
由于字符串具有固定长度,并且我将指定数量的字节(字符)写入文件,我应该能够使用 seekg
恢复它们(也就是说,我知道它们从哪里开始, 我可以在那里设置输入位置指示器来读取)。
请注意,我不认为这是 reinterpret_cast
这使用采用 std::initializer_list
std::string s2 {5, '[=10=]'};
... 并创建一个包含 2 个字符的字符串,其值为 5 和 0(或任何 [=13=]
应该是std::string s2 (5, '[=14=]');
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::ofstream out {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
//all of length 5
std::vector<std::string> a{{"12345"}, {"6789A"}, {"BCDEF"}};
//write down strings without [=11=]
for(auto& s : a)
out.write(s.c_str(), s.size());
std::ifstream in {"out.dat", std::ios::binary};
std::string s2(5,'[=11=]'); //I can store at least 5 chars
in.seekg(0 + 2 * 5); //try to read string of index 2
in.read(s2.data(), 5);
std::cout << s2 << std::endl; //prints "BC", not "BCDEF"