
How to use write access using iterators and armadillo sparse matrices?


我正在努力使用 Armadillo 中的迭代器进行写访问。文档说使用 sp_mat::col_iterator 提供 read/write 访问权限,但是,当我尝试写入值 *it = B.col(...) 时,我收到一条错误消息 error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘arma::SpValProxy<arma::SpMat<double> >’ and ‘arma::SpSubview_col<double>’)。我有语法错误还是我对“写入权限”的概念理解有误?

  arma::sp_mat A = arma::sprandu(100, 100, 0.01);
  arma::sp_mat B(A);
  B *= 2;
  arma::vec condition = arma::randi<arma::vec>(100, arma::distr_param(0, 1));
  arma::sp_mat::col_iterator it = A.begin();
  arma::sp_mat::col_iterator it_end = A.end();
  for(; it != it_end; ++it){
    if (condition(it.col())==1){
      *it = B.col(it.col());

我目前的解决方案是编写一个函数,从各个矩阵中收集索引和值,然后使用批处理初始化,类似于 。尽管如此,我仍然想了解 read/write 访问和迭代器。

查看(总体上非常好)Armadillo documentation,我认为您遇到了设计问题。引用


  • to modify the non-zero elements in a safer manner, use .transform() or .for_each() instead of iterators;
  • writing a zero value into a sparse matrix through an iterator will invalidate all current iterators associated with the sparse matrix row iterators for sparse matrices are only useful with Armadillo 8.500 and later versions; in earlier versions they are inefficient