JQuery 使用特定格式和 GMT 更新日期

JQuery updating date with specific format and GMT

我刚刚使用我在 Whosebug 上找到的 JQuery 函数来更新时间:

$(document).ready(function () {

  var serverTime = new Date();

  function updateTime() {
    /// Increment serverTime by 1 second and update the html for '#time'
    serverTime = new Date(serverTime.getTime() + 1000);

  $(function() {
    setInterval(updateTime, 1000);



serverTime2 = new $.format.date(new Date(serverTime.getTime() + 1000), 'g:i A')

我想将日期格式更改为 'g:i A' 并且我还想将特定的 GMT 应用于我的日期,而不是 serverTime。 =13=]


这里不需要JQuery。尝试使用 toLocaleTimeString.

const locale24HourTime = (tz, date) => date.toLocaleTimeString("en-EN", {
    timeZone: tz, hourCycle: 'h23', hour: "2-digit",
    minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit" });

const date1 = new Date();
console.log(`Atlantic/Reykjavik: ${locale24HourTime(`Atlantic/Reykjavik`, date1)}`);
console.log(`Asia/Kolkata: ${locale24HourTime(`Asia/Kolkata`, date1)}`);
console.log(`Asia/Shanghai: ${locale24HourTime(`Asia/Shanghai`, date1)}`);
console.log(`Europe/London: ${locale24HourTime(`Europe/London`, date1)}`);