Android gradle plugin(7.0.0-alpha15) 移除了 variantFilter 属性,如何恢复功能?

Android gradle plugin(7.0.0-alpha15) removed variantFilter property, how to restore functionality?

当前 build.gradle.kts:

android {
  // ...
  variantFilter {
        ignore = run {
            val isSim = flavors[0].name == "sim"
            val isNet = !isSim

            val isU = flavors[1].name == "custom"
            val isMain = !isU

            val buildType  =
            val isDebug    = buildType == "debug"
            val isRelease  = buildType == "release"

            (isSim && isRelease) ||
                    (isSim && isU)


更新: 使用答案,上面的代码如下:

    android {
        androidComponents.beforeVariants {
            it.enabled = run {
                val isSim = it.productFlavors[0].second == "sim"
                val isNet = !isSim

                val isU = it.productFlavors[1].second == "custom"
                val isMain = !isU

                val isDebug    = it.buildType == "debug"
                val isRelease  = it.buildType == "release"

               !((isSim && isRelease) || (isSim && isU))

变体 API 将在 AGP 7.0.0 中更改为惰性评估模型,Alpha 15 似乎已经为此删除了旧的 API。展望未来,您将需要使用 androidComponents DSL,它可以访问变体。查看 beforeVariants 块以有选择地禁用您的变体:

android {
  androidComponents.beforeVariants { variantBuilder ->
    // variantBuilder provides access to buildType and flavor names.
    // It has an 'enabled' property which you could use to disable some variants
    // (logic may need to be inverted from your existing 'ignore' block)