工厂设计 C++/QtCreator

Factory Design C++/QtCreator

我正在尝试实施工厂设计模式。我使用 class 'Factory' 的静态成员函数创建 returns 'Candy' 的实例,但对用户隐藏 class 模块的详细信息。


#ifndef CANDY_H
#define CANDY_H

#include <QColor>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QLayoutItem>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QFont>

enum class CandyType {Normal, Powerup};
enum class PowerUpType {None, Wrapped, Striped, Sour};

class Candy : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
    // this makes it so that we can emit signals

    //static std::vector<CandyType> enum_vec;

    //Candy(QColor color, const int i, const int j);


    int get_i() const { return j_; }  // inline member function
    int get_j() const { return i_; }  // inline member function
    QColor get_color() const { return color_; }
    //CandyType get_candy_type() const { return candy_type_; }

    std::vector<Candy*> get_neighbors() { return neighbors_; }

    QRectF boundingRect() const override;
    QPainterPath shape() const override;

    void SwapCandy(Candy *c);

    void StoreNeighbors(std::vector<Candy*> neighbors_vec);

    void Poof();

    void setIJ(int i, int j);

    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *item, QWidget *widget) override;

    void StoreSwapCandySelected(Candy *c);
    void SwapCandySelected(Candy *c);

    void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override;

  int i_;
  int j_;

  QColor color_;
  QFont myFont;
  bool next_state;
  static const int width_ = 35;
  std::vector<Candy*> neighbors_;
};  // class RegCandy

/*INHERITED CLASS -- the functions that shoudl be different from parent
 * are the constructor and the mousepressevent. In addition some feilds
 * and getters are unnecessary and some added functions are used*/

class PowerUp : public Candy

    static std::vector<PowerUpType> enum_vec;
    PowerUp() : Candy() {}

    std::string CandyTypeToString() {
        if (powerup_type_ == PowerUpType::Wrapped) {
            return "Wrapped";
        } else if (powerup_type_ == PowerUpType::Striped) {
            return "Striped";
        } else {
            return "Sour";

    PowerUpType get_candy_type() const { return powerup_type_; }

    void setPUType(PowerUpType p_type) {
        this->powerup_type_ = p_type;

    void setColor(QColor color) {
        this->color_ = color;

    void setEmpty() {
        empty_ = true;

    void setFull() {
        empty_ = false;

    bool isEmpty() { return empty_; }

    void StorePowerUpSelected(PowerUp *p);

    virtual void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override {
        if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
            //qDebug() << QString::fromStdString(this->CandyTypeToString()) << ": " << this->get_i() << "," << this->get_j();
            emit StorePowerUpSelected(this);

  int i_;
  int j_;
  PowerUpType powerup_type_;
  QColor color_;
  bool empty_ = true;;
  //bool next_state;
  static const int width_ = 35;

}; //class PowerUp

class Factory {

    /*~Factory() {
        if (c_type) {
            delete[] c_type;
            c_type = NULL;
    static Candy* getCandy(CandyType type)  {
        if (type == CandyType::Normal)
            return new Candy();
        else if (type == CandyType::Powerup)
            return new PowerUp();
        else return NULL;



目前我的 PowerUp class 继承自我的 Candy class,我想使用 Factory::getCandy() 创建每个对象的实例,但是当我尝试调用静态像这样的 getCandy() 方法:

PowerUp *p = Factory::getCandy(CandyType::Powerup);

我收到以下错误,'error: cannot initialize a variable of type PowerUp * with an rvalue of type Candy *'

我认为通过使 'PowerUp' class 继承自 'Candy' class 我可以将 return 值 Candy* 存储在 PowerUp* 中,但在对继承进行更多思考之后,似乎逻辑遵循类似 'Every PowerUp is a Candy, but not every Candy is a PowerUp' 的内容,因此也许应该写下该行:

Candy *c = Factory::getCandy(CandyType::Powerup);

但是我需要'PowerUp'糖果有一些不同于超级class的方法,所以我不知道为什么我会存储[=42=的return值]() 在 Candy* 中,如果我特别想要一个 PowerUp* 的实例。

注意:使用以下行创建 'Candy' 的实例时效果很好: Candy *c = Factory::getCandy(CandyType::Normal)



However I need the PowerUp candies to have some different methods than the superclass, so I do not know why I would store the return value of Factory::getCandy() in Candy* if I specifically want an instance of PowerUp*.

如果这是真的,工厂就没有意义了,使用一个简单的构造函数。工厂的全部意义在于通过共享 公共接口 来抽象细节(比如你的 Candy 实际上是 PowerUp 的事实) .在您的情况下,如果应用程序知道它使用的特定类型并调用只有该类型具有的方法,则意味着没有抽象。


  1. 删除工厂并使用经典构造函数。
  2. 检查您的 Candy 抽象以使 PowerUp 成为真正的实现细节。最后,在调用代码的眼中,使用PowerUp和任何其他类似Candy的类型应该没有区别。