使 Laravel 5 注册成为现有用户的一项任务

Make Laravel 5 registration a task for existing users

我想重新配置默认的 Laravel 注册方法,以便只有现有用户才能注册新用户。但是,我不确定如何重新配置​​我的 AuthController,以便 getRegister 函数不会在用户已经登录时自动重定向到 /Home。

理想情况下,用户应该能够登录,点击 "Register New User" link,然后使用通常的注册用户表单。完成后,它应该插入新的用户凭据,然后将他们重定向到他们的主页,而不改变他们的用户会话状态。

似乎只需要在 Auth 控制器中增加一两行即可禁用注册方法的重定向,但我似乎无法从 Laravel 文档中弄清楚。谁能帮帮我?

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Registrar;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers;

class AuthController extends Controller {

    | Registration & Login Controller
    | This controller handles the registration of new users, as well as the
    | authentication of existing users. By default, this controller uses
    | a simple trait to add these behaviors. Why don't you explore it?

    use AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers;

     * Create a new authentication controller instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard  $auth
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Registrar  $registrar
     * @return void
    public function __construct(Guard $auth, Registrar $registrar)
        $this->auth = $auth;
        $this->registrar = $registrar;

        $this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']);

        public function getRegister() {

        public function postRegister() {
            return redirect('/');


您需要做的就是在您的 AuthController.

中添加一个 属性
protected $redirectPath = '/wherever/you/need/to/go';




$this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'getLogout']);

唯一的问题是当您的用户注册时,他们将自动以该用户身份登录。我能想到的一种绕过可能被认为有点 hacky 的方法是将当前登录的用户保存在 AuthController

 * Create a new authentication controller instance.
 * @return void
public function __construct()
    $this->middleware('guest', ['except' => ['getLogout', 'getRegister', 'postRegister']]);
    $this->user = Auth::check() ?  Auth::user() : null;


 * Logs the user back in as himself in the event he has registered a new user.
 * @return void
public function __destruct()
    if(!is_null($this->user)) {