如何使用正则表达式查找以冒号 (:) 结尾的所有单词

How to find all words that ends with colon (:) using regex

我是正则表达式的新手,我有以下表达式,我想使用正则表达式查找以冒号 (:) 结尾的单词或连续单词。

Incarcerate: imprison or confine, Strike down: if someone is struck down, especially by an illness, they are killed or severely harmed by it, Accost: approach and address.

输出应该是这样的Incarcerate:, Strike down:, Accost:。我写了以下正则表达式,但它捕获了以下内容。

我的正则表达式 -> (\w+):+

它捕获像Incarcerate:, Accost:这样的词,它不捕获Strike down: 请帮助我。

我想在 typescript 和 python 中都这样做。

您可以选择重复 space 和 1+ 个单词字符。请注意,单词在组 1 中,: 在组外。

(\w+(?: \w+)*):

Regex demo

要在匹配中包含 :

\w+(?: \w+)*:


  • \w+匹配1个或多个单词字符
  • (?: \w+)* 重复 0+ 次匹配一个 space 和 1+ 个单词字符
  • :匹配单个:

Regex demo


import re
s = "Incarcerate: imprison or confine, Strike down: if someone is struck down, especially by an illness, they are killed or severely harmed by it, Accost: approach and address."
pattern = r"\w+(?: \w+)*:"
print(re.findall(pattern, s))


['Incarcerate:', 'Strike down:', 'Accost:']