我可以使用 python 装饰器根据输入类型预处理输入和后处理输出吗?

Can I use a python decorator to preprocess input and postprocess output based on an input type?

我有一些函数可以接受 Liststr。 return 类型应与输入类型匹配。例如,如果给定一个 str 函数应该 return a str.


def swap_first_and_last(a: Union[List, str]) -> Union[List, str]:
    # Not in-place.
    STR = isinstance(a, str)
    a = list(a)

    a[0], a[-1] = a[-1], a[0]

    return "".join(a) if STR else a


def next_permutation(a: Union[List, str]) -> Union[List, str]:
    Not in-place.
    Returns `None` if there is no next permutation
    (i.e. if `a` is the last permutation).
    The type of the output is the same as the type of the input
    (i.e. str input -> str output).
    STR = isinstance(a, str)
    a = list(a)

    N = len(a)
    i = next((i for i in reversed(range(N-1)) if a[i] < a[i + 1]), None)
    if i is None:
        return None
    j = next(j for j in reversed(range(i+1, N)) if a[j] >= a[i])

    a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i]
    a[i + 1:] = reversed(a[i + 1:])

    return "".join(a) if STR else a

如您所见,只有几行专门用于处理 str 输入与 List 输入,即:

    # preprocess
    STR = isinstance(a, str)
    a = list(a)
    # main logic
    # postprocess
    return "".join(a) if STR else a



from typing import Union, List

def pre_and_post_processing(func):
    def inner(a: Union[List, str]) -> Union[List, str]:
        STR = isinstance(a, str)
        a = list(a)
        b = func(a)
        return "".join(b) if STR else b
    return inner   

def swap_first_and_last(a: List) -> List:
    a[0], a[-1] = a[-1], a[0]
    return a

print(swap_first_and_last("asd"))  # -> dsa
print(swap_first_and_last(["asd", "ds", "sds"]))  # -> ['sds', 'ds', 'asd']

请注意,swap_first_and_last 函数现在获取 return 一个 List

跟进@larsks 的建议,这是在@joseville 玩具示例中使用 singledispatch 的方法:


from functools import singledispatch

def swap_first_and_last(a: str) -> str:

    a = list(a)
    return "".join(a)

def _(a: list) -> list:
    a[0], a[-1] = a[-1], a[0]
    return a



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