
Tag islands of records


Id PrevId NextId Product Process Date
1 NULL 4 Product 1 Process A 2021-04-24
2 NULL 3 Product 2 Process A 2021-04-24
3 2 5 Product 2 Process A 2021-04-24
4 1 7 Product 1 Process B 2021-04-26
5 3 6 Product 2 Process B 2021-04-24
6 5 NULL Product 2 Process B 2021-04-24
7 4 9 Product 1 Process B 2021-04-29
9 7 10 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-01
10 9 15 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-03
15 10 19 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-04
19 15 NULL Product 1 Process C 2021-05-05

对于每个产品,我需要标记 consecutive/islands 具有相同 Process 的记录,例如:

Id PrevId NextId Product Process Date Tag
1 NULL 4 Product 1 Process A 2021-04-24 1
4 1 7 Product 1 Process B 2021-04-26 2
7 4 9 Product 1 Process B 2021-04-29 2
9 7 10 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-01 3
10 9 15 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-03 3
15 10 19 Product 1 Process A 2021-05-04 3
19 15 NULL Product 1 Process C 2021-05-05 4



我已经尝试了基本的窗口函数(ROW_NUMBERDENSE_RANK),但问题是那些计算 分区内而不是 个分区。

您可以使用 lag() 来确定值相同的地方。然后累加:

select t.*,
       1 + sum(case when process = prev_process then 0 else 1 end) over (partition by producct order by id) as tag
from (select t.*,
             lag(process) over (partition by product order by id) as prev_process
      from t
     ) t;

Here 是一个 db<>fiddle.

如果您不必验证 prevId 和 nextId(也就是说,如果您的数据已经正确排序),您可以尝试以下操作:

WITH cte AS(
       , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Product ORDER BY [Date]) x
       , DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Product, Process ORDER BY [Date]) y
  WHERE product = 'Product 1'
cteTag AS(
SELECT Id, PrevId, NextId, Product, Process, [Date], x-y AS Tag_
  FROM cte
SELECT Id, PrevId, NextId, Product, Process, [Date], DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Product ORDER BY Tag_) AS Tag
  FROM cteTag