
Making a pong game in assembly, how do I get an input of multiple keystrokes at once?

我是初学者,所以这段代码可能没什么用,我用 int 16h 来做这个,但我对这个 int 了解不多。我刚刚发现你不能同时进行多次击键;有帮助吗?


MODEL small
STACK 100h
; --------------------------
; Your variables here
; --------------------------
    line1X dw 80
  line1Y dw 120
  line1start dw 5
  line1end dw 10
  line2X dw 80
  line2Y dw 120
  line2start dw 310
  line2end dw 315
    proc startVideo ;creates video mode
      mov al,13h
      mov ah,0h
      int 10h
  endp startVideo
  proc clearScrean ;turns the screen black
      mov ah, 0ch
      xor al,al
      mov dx,200 
      mov cx,320
        int 10h
        Loop BlankColumn
      dec dx
        cmp dx,0
        jne BlankLine     
  endp clearScrean
    proc drawboard ;creates the board
      push bp
      mov bp,sp
      mov al,0fh
      mov ah,0ch
      beginning equ [bp+10]
      fn equ [bp+8]
      X equ [bp+6] ;boards start
      Y equ [bp+4] ;boards end
      mov dx,Y
      mov cx,fn
        int 10h
      dec cx
        cmp cx,beginning
        jne drawcolumn
      dec dx
      cmp dx,X 
      jne drawrow
      pop bp
      ret 8
  endp drawboard
  proc drawall
      push [line1start]
      push [line1end]
      push [line1X]
      push [line1Y]
      call drawboard
      push [line2start]
      push [line2end]
      push [line2X]
      push [line2Y]
      call drawboard
  endp drawall
  proc boardup
      push bp
      mov bp,sp
      mov bx,[bp+4]
      mov si,[bp+6]
      cmp [word ptr bx],0 ;checks if board didnt get to border 
      je fn1
        call clearScrean
      sub [word ptr bx],5 ;3 pixels added to board
      sub [word ptr si],5
      call drawall ;prints both boards
      pop bp
      ret 4
  endp boardup
  proc boarddown
      push bp
      mov bp,sp
      mov bx,[bp+4]
      mov si,[bp+6]
      cmp [word ptr si],200 ;checks if board didnt get to border 
      je fn2
        call clearScrean
      add [word ptr bx],5 ;3 pixels added to board
      add [word ptr si],5
      call drawall ;prints both boards
      pop bp
      ret 4
  endp boarddown
  mov ax, @data
  mov ds, ax
    mov bh,0
  call startVideo
  call clearScrean
  call drawall
checkskey: ;checks if key is being pressed
  mov ah,1
  int 16h
  jz checkskey ;jumps if key isnt pressed
  mov ah,0 ;checks which key is pressed
  int 16h
  cmp ah,11h ;if key pressed is w jump to upboard
  je upboard1
  cmp ah,01fh ;if key pressed is s jump to downboard
  je downboard1
  cmp ah,050h
  je downboard2
  cmp ah,048h
  je upboard2
  jmp checkskey ;if key isnt pressed jump to check key
upboard1: ;board 1 goes up
    push offset line1Y
  push offset line1X
  call boardup
  jmp checkskey
downboard1: ;board 1 goes down
    push offset line1Y
  push offset line1X
  call boarddown
  jmp checkskey
    push offset line2Y
  push offset line2X
  call boarddown
  jmp checkskey
    push offset line2Y
  push offset line2X
  call boardup
  jmp checkskey
  mov ax, 4c00h
  int 21h
END start

the problem with this code is that only one board can move at a time and i need both


您的 checkskey 代码没问题。一块板使用 qs 键,另一块板使用 up向下键。
一旦某个键可用,键盘 BIOS 功能 00h 将立即检索它,您的程序将相应地更新图形。但是如果你的图形输出程序花的时间太长,那么玩家就会开始认为键盘呆滞了。

查看您的图形例程,我看到您使用视频 BIOS 功能 0Ch 将像素放在屏幕上。这很慢而且特别痛苦,因为你在最简单​​的图形屏幕上玩,你可以 MOV 一个字节来绘制一个像素。

在需要快速图形的程序中,将 ES 段寄存器永久指向视频缓冲区可能非常有利。

  mov  ax, 0A000h
  mov  es, ax
  cld             ; Because of the use of STOSB


  xor  di, di
  mov  cx, 64000
  mov  al, 0
  rep stosb

这是画水平线 (160,100)-(200,100) 的方法:

  mov  dl, 15    ; BrightWhite
  mov  cx, 51    ; 51 pixels from 160 to 200
  mov  bx, 160   ; X
  mov  ax, 100   ; Y
  call DrawLine


  push dx
  mov  di, 320   ; BytesPerScanline
  mul  di
  add  ax, bx
  mov  di, ax    ; Address DI = (Y * BPS) + X
  pop  ax        ; Color AL
  rep stosb

另一个答案涉及多人游戏,其中 none 的玩家不断按下他们的专用键,从而占用键盘。尽管这种情况非常合理,但您可能希望让玩家按住按键的时间更长。为此,我们可以用我们自己的处理程序替换 BIOS/DOS 提供的键盘处理程序。

键盘上的每个键都关联一个唯一的 8 位数字,我们称之为扫描码。
每当按下一个键时,键盘都会在端口 60h 上提供相关键的扫描码。键盘也产生一个中断 09h。这个中断的处理程序可以检查扫描码并以任何它喜欢的方式处理它。这就是下面的演示程序所做的。
当按下一个键时,扫描码是一个最高位关闭的字节。当一个键被释放时,扫描码是一个字节,其最高位为开。其他 7 位在按下和释放时保持不变。

应该注意的是,虽然对于您的 乒乓球 游戏来说很好,但包含的替换处理程序是一个简约的处理程序。复杂的处理程序还会考虑以 E0h 或 E1h 代码为前缀的扩展扫描码。

该程序有额外的注释,因此您可以轻松了解正在发生的事情。该代码使用 FASM 语法。演示在真实DOS环境和DOSBox(0.74)下运行正常

; Multi-player Keyboard Input (c) 2021 Sep Roland

    ORG  256               ; Output will be a .COM program

    mov  ax, 3509h         ; DOS.GetInterruptVector
    int  21h               ; -> ES:BX
    push es bx             ; (1)

    mov  dx, Int09
    mov  ax, 2509h         ; DOS.SetInterruptVector
    int  21h

    mov  ax, 0013h         ; BIOS.SetVideoMode 320x200 (256 colors)
    int  10h
    mov  ax, 0A000h        ; Video buffer
    mov  es, ax
    cld                    ; So we can use the string primitive STOSB

    mov  si, 160           ; Width
    mov  di, 100           ; Height

    mov  al, 0             ; Black
    cmp  [KeyList+48h], al ; Up
    je   .a
    mov  al, 2             ; Green
.a: mov  cx, 160           ; X
    mov  dx, 0             ; Y
    call Paint

    mov  al, 0             ; Black
    cmp  [KeyList+50h], al ; Down
    je   .b
    mov  al, 14            ; Yellow
.b: mov  cx, 160           ; X
    mov  dx, 100           ; Y
    call Paint

    mov  al, 0             ; Black
    cmp  [KeyList+11h], al ; aZerty / qWerty
    je   .c
    mov  al, 4             ; Red
.c: mov  cx, 0             ; X
    mov  dx, 0             ; Y
    call Paint

    mov  al, 0             ; Black
    cmp  [KeyList+1Fh], al ; S
    je   .d
    mov  al, 1             ; Blue
.d: mov  cx, 0             ; X
    mov  dx, 100           ; Y
    call Paint

    cmp  byte [KeyList+1], 0 ; ESC
    je   Cont

    pop  dx ds             ; (1)
    mov  ax, 2509h         ; DOS.SetInterruptVector
    int  21h

    mov  ax, 4C00h         ; DOS.Terminate
    int  21h
; --------------------------------------
    push ax bx
    in   al, 60h
    mov  ah, 0
    mov  bx, ax
    and  bx, 127           ; 7-bit scancode goes to BX
    shl  ax, 1             ; 1-bit press/release goes to AH
    xor  ah, 1             ; -> AH=1 Press, AH=0 Release
    mov  [cs:KeyList+bx], ah
    mov  al, 20h           ; The non specific EOI (End Of Interrupt)
    out  20h, al
    pop  bx ax
; --------------------------------------
; IN (al,cx,dx,si,di)
    push cx dx di          ; AL=Color CX=X DX=Y SI=Width DI=Height
    push ax                ; (1)
    mov  ax, 320           ; BytesPerScanline
    mul  dx
    add  ax, cx            ; (Y * BPS) + X
    mov  dx, di
    mov  di, ax
    pop  ax                ; (1)
.a: mov  cx, si
    rep  stosb
    sub  di, si
    add  di, 320
    dec  dx
    jnz  .a
    pop  di dx cx
; --------------------------------------
KeyList db 128 dup 0
KeyList db 128 dup 0

程序的KeyList记录了键盘上所有按键的当前状态。如果字节为 0,则表示未按下该键。如果字节为 1,则当前正在按下该键。

我把 Sep Roland 的精彩回答翻译成了 tasm:

; filename: dots.asm

;  Controls:
;  Up/Down Arrows  -  Move Purple Dot 
;  W/S Keys        -  Move Cyan Dot
;  Esc             -  Exit

MODEL small
STACK 100h


; postion of cyan dot
xCyanDot dw 107
yCyanDot dw 100

; position of purple dot
xPurpleDot dw 214
yPurpleDot dw 100

; keyboard scan codes we'll need
KeyEsc    equ 01h
KeyW      equ 11h
KeyS      equ 1Fh
UpArrow   equ 48h
DownArrow equ 50h

proc onKeyEvent  ; custom handler for int 09h
    push ax bx
    in   al, 60h
    mov  ah, 0
    mov  bx, ax
    and  bx, 127           ; 7-bit scancode goes to BX
    shl  ax, 1             ; 1-bit pressed/released goes to AH
    xor  ah, 1             ; -> AH=1 Pressed, AH=0 Released
    mov  [cs:KeyList+bx], ah
    mov  al, 20h           ; The non specific EOI (End Of Interrupt)
    out  20h, al
    pop  bx ax


proc sleepSomeTime
    mov cx, 0
    mov dx, 50000  ; 50ms
    mov ah, 86h
    int 15h  ; param is cx:dx (in microseconds)

proc drawPurpleDot
    mov al, 5
    mov cx, [xPurpleDot]
    mov dx, [yPurpleDot]
    mov bh, 0h
    mov ah, 0ch
    int 10h


proc coverPurpleDot
    mov al, 0
    mov cx, [xPurpleDot]
    mov dx, [yPurpleDot]
    mov bh, 0h
    mov ah, 0ch
    int 10h


proc drawCyanDot
    mov al, 3
    mov cx, [xCyanDot]
    mov dx, [yCyanDot]
    mov bh, 0h
    mov ah, 0ch
    int 10h


proc coverCyanDot
    mov al, 0
    mov cx, [xCyanDot]
    mov dx, [yCyanDot]
    mov bh, 0h
    mov ah, 0ch
    int 10h


KeyList db 128 dup (0)

proc if_Up_isPressedMoveDot
    mov bx, offset KeyList
    cmp [byte bx + UpArrow], 1
    jne handleUp_end
    call coverPurpleDot

    mov ax, [yPurpleDot]
    dec ax
    mov [yPurpleDot], ax

    call drawPurpleDot


proc if_Down_isPressedMoveDot
    mov bx, offset KeyList
    cmp [byte bx + DownArrow], 1
    jne handleDown_end
    call coverPurpleDot

    mov ax, [yPurpleDot]
    inc ax
    mov [yPurpleDot], ax

    call drawPurpleDot

proc if_W_isPressedMoveDot
    mov bx, offset KeyList
    cmp [byte bx + KeyW], 1
    jne handleW_end
    call coverCyanDot

    mov ax, [yCyanDot]
    dec ax
    mov [yCyanDot], ax

    call drawCyanDot


proc if_S_isPressedMoveDot
    mov bx, offset KeyList
    cmp [byte bx + KeyS], 1
    jne handleS_end
    call coverCyanDot

    mov ax, [yCyanDot]
    inc ax
    mov [yCyanDot], ax

    call drawCyanDot


proc main
    call drawPurpleDot
    call drawCyanDot
        call sleepSomeTime

        call if_Up_isPressedMoveDot
        call if_Down_isPressedMoveDot
        call if_W_isPressedMoveDot
        call if_S_isPressedMoveDot

    ; if Esc is not pressed, jump back to mainLoop
    mov bx, offset KeyList
    cmp [byte bx + KeyEsc], 1
    jne mainLoop

    mov ax, @data
    mov ds, ax

; enter graphic mode
    mov ax, 13h
    int 10h

; get the address of the existing int09h handler
    mov ax, 3509h ; Get Interrupt Vector
    int  21h ; -> ES:BX
    push es bx

; replace the existing int09h handler with ours
    mov dx, offset onKeyEvent
    mov ax, 2509h
    int 21h

call main

; return to text mode
    mov ah, 0
    mov al, 2
    int 10h

; restore the original int09h handler
    pop dx ds
    mov ax, 2509h
    int 21h

    mov ax, 4c00h
    int 21h

end start

编译 & 运行:

tasm /zi dots.asm
tlink /v dots.obj

奖励部分 - 以下是 int 09h 使用的键盘扫描码:

 01h Esc          31h N
 02h 1 !          32h M
 03h 2 @          33h ,              63h F16   
 04h 3 #          34h .              64h F17
 05h 4 $          35h / ?            65h F18
 06h 5 %          36h RightShift     66h F19
 07h 6 ^          37h Grey*          67h F20
 08h 7 &          38h Alt            68h F21
 09h 8 *          39h SpaceBar       69h F22
 0Ah 9 (          3Ah CapsLock       6Ah F23
 0Bh 0 )          3Bh F1             6Bh F24
 0Ch - _          3Ch F2
 0Dh = +          3Dh F3             6Dh EraseEOF
 0Eh Backspace    3Eh F4
 0Fh Tab          3Fh F5             6Fh Copy/Play
 10h Q            40h F6
 11h W            41h F7
 12h E            42h F8             72h CrSel
 13h R            43h F9
 14h T            44h F10            74h ExSel
 15h Y            45h NumLock
 16h U            46h ScrollLock     76h Clear
 17h I            47h Home
 18h O            48h UpArrow
 19h P            49h PgUp
 1Ah [ {          4Ah Grey-
 1Bh ] }          4Bh LeftArrow
 1Ch Enter        4Ch Keypad 5
 1Dh Ctrl         4Dh RightArrow
 1Eh A            4Eh Grey+
 1Fh S            4Fh End
 20h D            50h DownArrow
 21h F            51h PgDn
 22h G            52h Ins
 23h H            53h Del
 24h J            54h SysReq
 25h K
 26h L            56h left | (102-key)
 27h ; :          57h F11
 28h ' "          58h F12            AAh self-test complete
 29h ` ~                             E0h prefix code
 2Ah LeftShift    5Ah PA1            E1h prefix code
 2Bh \ |          5Bh F13            EEh ECHO
 2Ch Z            5Ch F14            F0h prefix code (key break)
 2Dh X            5Dh F15            FAh ACK
 2Eh C                               FDh diagnostic failure
 2Fh V                               FEh RESEND
 30h B                               FFh kbd error/buffer full

source: http://muruganad.com/8086/8086-Interrupt-List.html