通过 Powershell 脚本更改 Visio 形状的颜色
Changing the Color of a Visio Shape via Powershell Script
我正在尝试通过 Powershell 和 Visio 自动创建网络图,但是我遇到了障碍。我想更改云(内置 Visio 形状)的颜色,但由于某种原因,颜色没有改变。你能帮我解决这个问题吗? (见下面的代码)
Import-Module VisioBot3000 -Force
# Variables
$Username = $env:USERNAME
#set_x = 1
#set_y = 1
#Servers = Read-Host -Prompt "How many routers do you have?
# Opens the Visio application
# Opens the Visio Document
# Register the network shapes stencil
$PERouterStencil = Register-VisioStencil -Name NetworkSymbols -Path 'C:\Program Files\...\NETSYM_U.vssx'
$VisioStencil2 = Register-VisioStencil -Name NetworkLocations -Path 'C:\Program Files\...\NETLOC_U.vssx'
#Register the router shape
$PE_Router_Shape = Register-VisioShape -Name Router -StencilName Network Symbols -MasterName Router
$Cloud_Register = Register-VisioShape -Name Cloud -StencilName NetworkLocations -MasterName Cloud
#Creating the Cloud
$Cloud = New-VisioShape Cloud -Label Cloud -x 5.6443 -y 4.481
#Width of the Cloud
$Cloud_Width = $Cloud.CellsU('Width').FormulaU = '3 in'
$Cloud_Height = $Cloud.CellsU('Height').FormulaU = '1.89 in'
$Cloud.CellsU('FillForegnd').FormulaForceU = '=RGB(255,0,0)'
$Cloud.CellsU('FillBkgnd').FormulaForceU= 'THEMEGUARD(SHADE(FillForegnd,LUMDIFF(THEME("FillColor"),THEME("FillColor2"))))'
这是一个设置颜色的函数。 Visio 形状很复杂,涉及子形状和渐变阴影。此函数将所有形状(和子形状)设置为颜色。
Sets the color of a shape
Sets the color of a shape and subshapes to a given color
$shape= add-visioshape -stencil BasicShapes -name Square
Set-ShapeColor -shape $shape -color Red
You cannot pipe any objects into Set-ShapeColor
The shape to apply the color to
The color you want the shape to be
function Set-VisioShapeColor {
[ValidateSet('FillForegnd', 'FillBkgnd')]$FillType = 'FillBkgnd'
$ColorFormula = "=THEMEGUARD(rgb($($Color.R),$($Color.G),$($Color.B)))"
$shape.CellsU($fillType).FormulaForce = $ColorFormula
$shape.CellsU('FillGradientEnabled').FormulaForce = 'FALSE'
$shape.CellsU('FillPattern').FormulaForce = '1'
$shape.shapes | foreach-object {
$_.CellsU('FillGradientEnabled').FormulaForce = 'FALSE'
$_.CellsU($fillType).FormulaForce = $colorFormula
我正在尝试通过 Powershell 和 Visio 自动创建网络图,但是我遇到了障碍。我想更改云(内置 Visio 形状)的颜色,但由于某种原因,颜色没有改变。你能帮我解决这个问题吗? (见下面的代码)
Import-Module VisioBot3000 -Force
# Variables
$Username = $env:USERNAME
#set_x = 1
#set_y = 1
#Servers = Read-Host -Prompt "How many routers do you have?
# Opens the Visio application
# Opens the Visio Document
# Register the network shapes stencil
$PERouterStencil = Register-VisioStencil -Name NetworkSymbols -Path 'C:\Program Files\...\NETSYM_U.vssx'
$VisioStencil2 = Register-VisioStencil -Name NetworkLocations -Path 'C:\Program Files\...\NETLOC_U.vssx'
#Register the router shape
$PE_Router_Shape = Register-VisioShape -Name Router -StencilName Network Symbols -MasterName Router
$Cloud_Register = Register-VisioShape -Name Cloud -StencilName NetworkLocations -MasterName Cloud
#Creating the Cloud
$Cloud = New-VisioShape Cloud -Label Cloud -x 5.6443 -y 4.481
#Width of the Cloud
$Cloud_Width = $Cloud.CellsU('Width').FormulaU = '3 in'
$Cloud_Height = $Cloud.CellsU('Height').FormulaU = '1.89 in'
$Cloud.CellsU('FillForegnd').FormulaForceU = '=RGB(255,0,0)'
$Cloud.CellsU('FillBkgnd').FormulaForceU= 'THEMEGUARD(SHADE(FillForegnd,LUMDIFF(THEME("FillColor"),THEME("FillColor2"))))'
这是一个设置颜色的函数。 Visio 形状很复杂,涉及子形状和渐变阴影。此函数将所有形状(和子形状)设置为颜色。
Sets the color of a shape
Sets the color of a shape and subshapes to a given color
$shape= add-visioshape -stencil BasicShapes -name Square
Set-ShapeColor -shape $shape -color Red
You cannot pipe any objects into Set-ShapeColor
The shape to apply the color to
The color you want the shape to be
function Set-VisioShapeColor {
[ValidateSet('FillForegnd', 'FillBkgnd')]$FillType = 'FillBkgnd'
$ColorFormula = "=THEMEGUARD(rgb($($Color.R),$($Color.G),$($Color.B)))"
$shape.CellsU($fillType).FormulaForce = $ColorFormula
$shape.CellsU('FillGradientEnabled').FormulaForce = 'FALSE'
$shape.CellsU('FillPattern').FormulaForce = '1'
$shape.shapes | foreach-object {
$_.CellsU('FillGradientEnabled').FormulaForce = 'FALSE'
$_.CellsU($fillType).FormulaForce = $colorFormula