导入 CSV 并按名称分组,然后按日期时间的第一个实例

Import CSV and group by name and then first instance of datetime

我正在尝试获取多台计算机的 RDP 会话事件(事件 ID:22 和 25)并导出为 CSV 文件。我需要获取用户每天启动的 RDP 会话的第一个实例(可能有很多 RDP 会话 reconnection/day),这样我就可以创建一个报告,每个用户什么时候启动第一个 RDP 会话。

$week = (Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan -Day 10)
$Events = Get-WinEvent  -ComputerName $ComputerName -LogName $LogName | Where-Object { ($_.TimeCreated -ge $week) -and (($_.Id -eq '22') -or ($_.Id -eq '25')) }  
foreach ($Event in $Events) {
    $EventXml = [xml]$Event.ToXML()
    $EventTime = $Event.TimeCreated.ToString()
    $Username = $EventXml.Event.UserData.EventXML.User

CSV 文件的时间列包含 (mm/dd/yyyy HH:mm) 格式的连接时间。我正在努力获取组和排序命令以获取每天的第一个连接实例。




# Get all events 22 & 25 for the past 30 days
$events=Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $logFilter

# Since we want the first Event per Date, we need to 
# group all events by each Day
$groupByDay=$Events|Group-Object {$_.TimeCreated.ToShortDateString()}

# Looks like this
PS /> $groupByDay

Count Name                      Group                                                                                                       
----- ----                      -----                                                                                                       
   68 5/4/2021                  {System.Diagnostics.Even...
   76 5/3/2021                  {System.Diagnostics.Even...
   12 5/2/2021                  {System.Diagnostics.Even...
   22 5/1/2021                  {System.Diagnostics.Even...
   62 4/30/2021                 {System.Diagnostics.Even...
   46 4/29/2021                 {System.Diagnostics.Even...

# Now we want to group each day by User and get the first log for each one of them
# To see an example of how it looks you can use this =>
$groupByDay[0].Group|Group-Object {$_.Properties.Value[0]}

# Note
# Is the same as

# Create a new export grid

# For each day in all days logs
foreach($group in $groupByDay)
    $groupByUsers=$group.Group|Group-Object {$_.Properties.Value[0]}

    foreach($user in $groupByUsers)
        # Logs are always sorted by newest to oldest
        # we can assume that the first log we get from pipeline
        # is the one we want for each user
        $temp=$user.group|Select -First 1

        # Add this object to our export grid
                Time=$temp.TimeCreated.ToString('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm')


Time EventID User
05/04/2021 16:00 25 user.example1
05/04/2021 15:55 25 user.example2
05/04/2021 14:40 22 user.example3
05/03/2021 16:00 25 user.example1
05/03/2021 15:55 25 user.example2
05/03/2021 14:40 22 user.example3