Github 页面未配置 TLS 证书。 "TLS certificate is being provisioned. This may take up to 15 minutes to complete."

Github pages not provisioning TLS certificate. "TLS certificate is being provisioned. This may take up to 15 minutes to complete."

这个错误已经超过 24 小时了。不像这个, I only have the 4 A records and 1 CNAME record, which point to github's 4 addresses and There's no parking A record which could be causing the error. I've followed all the instructions outlined from github and namecheap

什么阻止了 github 配置我的 TLS 证书?

原来这是 Github 的一个小故障。将域从 to then back to 切换两次后,已提供证书。