
How to set the values of a delegate's parameters to use for subsequent calls without supplying them each time?

在 C# 中,有没有一种方法可以创建具有值的委托,例如“MyDelegate("Hello World")",它可以存储在一个变量中,然后用给定的值调用它?


delegate void MyDelegate(string text);

void WriteText(string text) 

MyDelegate newDelegate = WriteText("Hello World") //Store the function and a string value 

newDelegate.InvokeWithOwnValue() //Invoke the delegate with the string value that we've given it before

//Output: "Hello World"

我不知道这对 Delegates 是否可行,或者我是否真的在寻找其他东西。

您可以使用 closures.

Action newDelegate = () => WriteText("Hello World");

您可以使用 lambda 捕获值,但您需要不同的委托类型,因为现在您将不带参数进行调用。

使用各种 ActionFunc 委托类型要容易得多。

void WriteText(string text) 
Action newDelegate = () => WriteText("Hello World"); //Store a string value 

newDelegate(); //Invoke the delegate with the string value that we've given it before

//Output: "Hello World"
Action<string> originalDelegate = WriteText;  // if you already have a delegate

Action newDelegate = () => originalDelegate("Hello World"); //Store the delegate and a string value 

newDelegate(); //Invoke the delegate with the string value that we've given it before

//Output: "Hello World"