将传递依赖转换为 compileOnly 依赖

Converting a transitive dependency into a compileOnly dependency

我正在尝试使用 OSGI 来允许我使用两个不同版本的传递依赖项。计划是一个版本(较新的版本)将隐藏在 OSGI 包中,另一个将像往常一样位于运行时类路径中。

我已经使用 Gradle(使用 Groovy DSL)构建了 bundle jar,但问题是它相关的运行时依赖是错误的——它带来了更新的版本,这应该是隐藏在包内。当我在 build.gradle 文件中这样做时,这仍然是正确的:

compileOnly deps.diffx
runtimeOnly(deps.diffx) {
    exclude group: 'com.propensive', module: 'magnolia_' + versions.scala_v

如果我检查与 Gradle dependencies 任务的依赖关系,它表明 magnolia 被排除在 runtimeOnly 配置之外,正如预期的那样 - 但 不是runtimeClasspath 配置中排除。

如果我随后使用 ./gradlew dependencyInsight --dependency magnolia_2.12 --configuration runtime 尝试找出此依赖项的来源,它会告诉我较新的版本来自 runtimeClasspath,具体取决于 diffx,并且这是通过冲突解决选择的。好吧,谢谢 - 我已经知道了。问题是,为什么 我的排除未应用于派生配置?

基本上我想做与this question相反的事情。


compileOnly deps.diffx
runtimeOnly(deps.diffx) {
    constraints {
        implementation('com.propensive:magnolia_' + versions.scala_v + ':0.10.0') {
            because 'this version is required by our other dependencies'

来自the Gradle documentation

On the upside, Gradle’s exclude handling is, in contrast to Maven, taking the whole dependency graph into account. So if there are multiple dependencies on a library, excludes are only exercised if all dependencies agree on them. For example, if we add opencsv as another dependency to our project above, which also depends on commons-beanutils, commons-collection is no longer excluded as opencsv itself does not exclude it.

因此,我们可以使用 dependency resolve rule:

def magnoliaVersion = '0.10.0'

configurations.runtimeClasspath {
    resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
        if (details.requested.group == 'com.propensive' && details.requested.name.startsWith("magnolia_") && details.requested.version != magnoliaVersion) {
            details.useVersion magnoliaVersion
            details.because 'this version is required by our other dependencies'

然后将依赖关系改回简单的单一 implementation 一个:

implementation deps.diffx

不幸的是,如文档所述,此解析规则未发布,因此必须在任何相关 Gradle 模块中再次应用它。