
How to check if a pointer can traverse a possible path given a fixed number of moves

我正在尝试在 Hackerrank 上解决这个问题:



70 行,最大时间为 2244


import math
import collections

def reachTheEnd(grid, maxTime):
    # Write your code here
    grid = [i for i in grid]
    yes = 'Yes'
    no = 'No'
    counter = 0
    for i in grid:
        counter += i.count('.')
    if maxTime <= counter:
        return yes
    elif i != i[::-1]:
        return no 
        return no

这是一个 BFS 问题,但我无法弄清楚其中的逻辑。感谢您的帮助。

广度优先搜索的思想是您 (1) 不会访问同一个节点两次,并且 (2) 不断维护一个您未访问过的节点列表,按时间片划分。最终,您访问了所有可访问的节点,并且对于您访问的任何节点,您都以尽可能少的步骤访问它。

在下面的算法中,我们创建一个缓存来满足(1)和一个队列来满足(2)。每个时间片,我们检查队列的每个元素,并用一个新队列完全替换队列,该队列由在该时间片中发现的元素组成。每当我们发现一个新元素时,我们都会将它连同首次发现它的时间片一起添加到缓存中 - 那么,这一定是到达该新元素的最快路径。

如果我们在到达目的地之前 运行 没有时间或 运行 没有新的单元格可供探索,那么我们就失败了。否则,我们就成功了。我们可以通过简单地编码我们的退出条件并检查我们是否在退出 while 循环时访问了目的地来检查。

def reachTheEnd(grid, maxTime):
    # mark what the coordinates of the destination are
    destination = (len(grid) - 1, len(grid[-1]) - 1)
    # initialize
    #   - a step counter
    #   - a cache of visited cells on the grid
    #   - a queue of not-yet-visited cells that are adjacent to visited cells
    counter = 0
    cache = {(0, 0): 0}
    queue = [(0, 0)]
    # perform breadth-first search on the current queue, moving forward one
    # timeslice. On each timeslice, we take one 'step' forward in any direction
    # towards a newly-accessible tile on the grid.
    # our 'exit' conditions are
    #   - we run out of time
    #   - there is no path to the end of the maze
    #   - we reach the end
    while counter < maxTime and len(queue) > 0 and destination not in cache:
        counter += 1
        new_queue = []
        for (x, y) in queue:
            # check adding to path in all directions (up, down, left, right)
            # If the step is
            #   - not out-of-bounds
            #   - not a wall
            #   - not already visited
            # then add it to the cache with the current step count, as this is
            # is the most quickly we can reach it. Also add it to the queue of 
            # cells to investigate on the next timeslice.
            for (dx, dy) in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
                (nx, ny) = (x + dx, y + dy)
                if 0 <= nx < len(grid) \
                        and 0 <= ny < len(grid[nx]) \
                        and grid[nx][ny] == '.' \
                        and (nx, ny) not in cache:
                    cache[(nx, ny)] = counter
                    new_queue.append((nx, ny))
        queue = new_queue
    # by the time the loop exits, either we've failed to reach the end, 
    # or the end is in the cache with the quickest possible path to it.
    if destination in cache:
        return "Yes"
        return "No"

一个可能的优化是将“我们到达目的地了吗”移动到最里面的 for 循环内,这将节省处理该时间片上的其余队列。但是,这会使代码稍微复杂一些(因此对于解释 BFS 的概念用处不大)并且只能节省最少的时间。

请注意,对于您提供的 70x50 大网格,无法真正到达右下角的方块(它是一个被墙包围的小岛)。它可以通过时间片 117 到达单元格 (67, 49),这是最接近的,但不能绕过墙。