
How to get the Mondays (full date) in the current month?

我正在尝试获取当月所有星期一的日期。例如,在当前月份 2021 年 5 月,我们将有:3/05/2021、10/05/2021、17/05/2021、24/05/2021、31/05/2021。

经过调查,我找到了一个旧问题的答案,这有助于 ,但是这显示 6 作为答案。哪个是正确的(参见共享日历)。但是我只想计算这个月的星期一。


Sub NumMondays()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim num_mondays As Integer
    Dim test_date As Date
    Dim orig_month As Integer
    month_name = Format(Date, "mmmm")
    year_name = Format(Date, "yyyy")
    ' Get the first day of the month.
    test_date = CDate(month_name & " 1, " & year_name)
    ' Count the Mondays.
    orig_month = Month(test_date)
        num_mondays = num_mondays + 1
        test_date = DateAdd("ww", 1, test_date)
    Loop While (Month(test_date) = orig_month)
    Debug.Print test_date
    Debug.Print orig_month
    Debug.Print num_mondays
End Sub

这样的代码打印 5 表示周一的数量,但是我无法将其转换为此类周一的实际日期。有什么建议吗?



Sub NumMondays()
 Dim i As Long, month_name, year_name, num_mondays As Integer
 Dim test_date As Date, orig_month As Integer, arrMondays, k As Long

 month_name = Format(Date, "mmmm")
 year_name = Format(Date, "yyyy")
 ' Get the first day of the month.
 test_date = CDate(month_name & " 1, " & year_name)

 orig_month = month(test_date)
 ReDim arrMondays(4)
 'extract and count Mondays:
    If Weekday(test_date, vbMonday) = 1 Then
        arrMondays(k) = test_date: k = k + 1: num_mondays = num_mondays + 1
    End If
    test_date = test_date + 1
 Loop While (month(test_date) = orig_month)
 ReDim Preserve arrMondays(k - 1)

 Debug.Print "Current month no = " & orig_month
 Debug.Print "No of Mondays = " & num_mondays
 Debug.Print Join(arrMondays, ", ")
End Sub

不同的方法。有一个有点为人所知的 Excel 公式,它提供给定周数和年份的星期一 (=DATE(A2, 1, -2) - WEEKDAY(DATE(A2, 1, 3)) + B2 * 7) [ A2 是年份,B2 是周数]。在这种情况下,我在一个月内循环所有周,并在每周使用该公式。

Sub CaseOfTheMondays()
    Dim inDate As Date, sDate As Date, eDate As Date, sYear As Date, mDate As Date
    Dim cMonth As Integer, i As Integer, x As Integer
    inDate = InputBox("Enter a valid date")
    If IsDate(inDate) Then
        sDate = DateAdd("d", -(Format(inDate, "d") - 1), inDate)
        eDate = DateAdd("m", 1, inDate) - (Format(inDate, "d") + 1)
        sYear = DateAdd("m", -(Format(inDate, "m") - 1), DateAdd("d", -(Format(inDate, "d") - 1), inDate))
        cMonth = Format(inDate, "m")
        sWeek = WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(sDate, vbMonday)
        eWeek = WorksheetFunction.WeekNum(eDate, vbMonday)
        x = 1
        For i = sWeek To eWeek
            mDate = DateAdd("d", -3, sYear) - Weekday(DateAdd("d", 2, sYear)) + (i * 7)
            If Format(mDate, "m") = cMonth Then
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(x, 1).Value = mDate
                x = x + 1
            End If
        Next i
        MsgBox "invalid date"
    End If
End Sub


Sub tester()
    Dim dt
    For Each dt In GetDayDates(2021, 5, "Mon")
        Debug.Print dt
    Next dt
End Sub

Function GetDayDates(yr As Long, mon As Long, d As String)
    Dim dt As Date, col As New Collection
    dt = DateSerial(yr, mon, 1)
    Do While Month(dt) = mon
        If Format(dt, "ddd") = d Then col.Add dt
        dt = dt + 1
    Set GetDayDates = col
End Function


一个好的方法是使用一个函数,该函数将 return 指定月份的天数集合。

这与提供的其他方法类似 — 然而,这增加了一些性能,更重要的是 intellisense 用于星期几。

Public Function GetMonthDays(dayToGet As VbDayOfWeek _
, monthToGetFrom As Long _
, yearToGetFrom As Long) As Collection

    Set GetMonthDays = New Collection
    ' First Starting date, and will be used
    ' for incrementing to next date/next day.
    Dim nextDate    As Date
    nextDate = DateSerial(yearToGetFrom, monthToGetFrom, 1)
    ' Loop until month changes to next month.
    Do While month(nextDate) = monthToGetFrom
        ' If weekday matches, then add and
        ' increment to next week (7 days)
        If Weekday(nextDate) = dayToGet Then
            GetMonthDays.Add nextDate
            nextDate = nextDate + 7
            ' Day did not match, therefore increment
            ' 1 day until it does match.
            nextDate = nextDate + 1
        End If
End Function



Sub testGetMonthDays()
    Dim mondayDate As Variant
    For Each mondayDate In GetMonthDays(vbMonday, month(Date), year(Date))
        Debug.Print mondayDate
End Sub