在 class 图中过度使用聚合?

Over-use of aggregation in a class diagram?


Draw a UML class diagram of an Object-Oriented model for a car rental company that keeps track of cars, renters and renters renting cars. Create a UML class diagram to represent this information. Showing the correct classes and relationships is enough. Do not add attributes or methods to the classes.




I was thinking the that renters and car company should be association


and car company and renters renting cars should be composition.



solution shows all the relationships are aggregation.

您描述的关系似乎对应于 UML 关联。已发布的解决方案使用聚合这一事实不一定是错误的,但不建议这样做:

  • 从UML规范来看,语义没有明确定义。所以在设计模型中使用聚合并没有真正的好处。参见 UML 2.5 第 110 页:

    Sometimes a Property is used to model circumstances in which one instance is used to group together a set of instances; this is called aggregation.
    (...) Precise semantics of shared aggregation varies by application area and modeler.

  • 从设计者的角度来看,聚合是一种纯粹的概念符号,并没有从根本上改变图表的含义。为此,UML 之父 James Rumbaugh 曾将聚合称为“modelling placebo”。我在《统一建模语言参考手册》一书中找到了引用,第14章:

    Keep in mind that aggregation is association. Aggregation conveys the thought that the aggregate is inherently the sum of its parts. In fact, the only real semantics that it adds to association is the constraint that chains of aggregate links may not form cycle (...) In spite of the few semantics attached to aggregation, everybody thinks it is necessary (for different reasons). Think of it as a modeling placebo.

  • 在实现方面,object composition is one of the basics of OOP. Some practitioners and academics tend to represent object composition with an UML aggregation to show that the the aggregated element is a part of a whole aggregate (the UML composition would be too restrictive, especially for languages in which classes have reference semantics, as Java or C#). This argument is however discussable because the design should not be driven by the implementation techniques. Moreover, modern UML's dot notation 更准确地表达了这些语义。

  • 解决方案图上做出了一些真正值得讨论的选择:如果我们以RenterRental为例,从承租人的设计角度来看一些租赁合同,可能需要找回。毕竟,租金是承租人业务角色的一部分。反之,从合同的角度来看,承租人是合同的一方。因此,人们可以在两个方向上捍卫聚合,但您 。武断地选择只显示真相的一面可能会令人困惑。并且在相反的方向上添加两个聚合并不能恰当地表明实际上它是相同的关系。 尽可能避免聚合的另一个论点
