如何在 Django Elasticsearch 中映射关键字字段?

How to map keyword field in Django Elasticsearch?

我正在使用 django-elasticsearch-dsl 库一个高级客户端来与 elasticsearch 交互。

这是我的 Document.py 文件

from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Document
from django_elasticsearch_dsl.registries import registry
from .models import Clothes

class ClothesDocument(Document):

    class Index:
        # Name of the Elasticsearch index
        name = 'clothes'
        settings = {'number_of_shards': 1,
                    'number_of_replicas': 0}

    class Django:
        # The django model associated with this Document
        model = Clothes 

        # The fields of the model you want to be indexed in Elasticsearch
        fields = [

这是模型文件 来自 django.db 导入模型

class Clothes(models.Model):
    Type = models.TextField(null=True)
    Pattern = models.TextField(null=True)
    Type = models.TextField(null=True)
    Brand = models.TextField()
    Category = models.TextField()

我想使用“term”和“terms”查询[Ex. Q("term", Category="Male")] 我需要在 Documents.py 中将 Category 定义为 KeywordField,该怎么做?还是我遗漏了什么?



 Category = fields.TextField(
                fields={'raw': fields.KeywordField()},

与其让 Django-Elasticsearch-Dsl 负责映射,不如显式映射我们的索引。