APM 中的服务是什么?
What is a service in APM?
来自 APM 的文档:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/get-started/7.12/transactions.html
Transactions are a special kind of span that have additional
attributes associated with them. They describe an event captured by an
Elastic APM agent instrumenting a service. You can think of
transactions as the highest level of work you’re measuring within a
service. As an example, a transaction might be a: ...
服务是通过连接连接到 APM 服务器并将所有指标发送到服务器的应用程序。
几乎所有后端语言都使用客户端库连接到 APM。
我在 Golang 中使用它,该库有一个包装路由器并捕获所有指标的代理。在 HTTP 和 GRPC 中。
来自 APM 的文档:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/get-started/7.12/transactions.html
Transactions are a special kind of span that have additional attributes associated with them. They describe an event captured by an Elastic APM agent instrumenting a service. You can think of transactions as the highest level of work you’re measuring within a service. As an example, a transaction might be a: ...
服务是通过连接连接到 APM 服务器并将所有指标发送到服务器的应用程序。 几乎所有后端语言都使用客户端库连接到 APM。 我在 Golang 中使用它,该库有一个包装路由器并捕获所有指标的代理。在 HTTP 和 GRPC 中。