在 POST 请求 swagger node.js 上缺少 header "content-type"

missing header "content-type" on POST request swagger node.js

Swagger 中发送带有 body 的 POST 请求,请求中没有任何内容...我认为问题是因为它没有 header "content-type"


当我在 swaggerOptions 中添加授权时,

停止发送 header,特别是“openapi”、“schemes”和“ 安全"


const swaggerOptions = {
    definition: {  
        openapi: '3.0.0',  
        info: {            
            version: "1.0.0",
            title: "Diniz API",
            description: "Rest API Diniz",
            servers: ['http://localhost:5000']
        components: {
            securitySchemes: {
                bearerAuth: {
                    type: 'apiKey',
                    name: 'Authorization',
                    scheme: 'bearer',
                    in: 'header',
        security: [{ 
            bearerAuth: [], 
    apis: ['routes/*.js']

在您的 /signup 注释中,将 parameters 部分替换为以下 requestBody 部分:

*      ...
*      summary: Create new account
*      requestBody:
*        required: true
*        content:
*          application/json:
*            schema:
*              type: object
*              required:
*                - name
*                - email
*                - ...   # add the rest of the required properties
*              properties:
*                name:
*                  type: string
*                ...     # add the rest of the properties