
Resetting an array after a loop

我写了一些 JavaScript 函数 (selectMeal) 循环 7 次,从数组 (tempMealList) 中随机选择一项,然后将该项推送到另一个数组 (dinnersPicked)。一旦项目被添加到新数组 (dinnersPicked),它就会从原始数组 (tempMealList) 中删除,以避免再次被选中。

在控制台中,此函数 (selectMeal) 的每个 运行 都不会产生任何问题,但是当我在 HTML 中单击按钮触发该函数时,每次按钮单击数组时used 似乎被永久更改,第二次点击时不考虑在第一个 运行 函数中随机选择的项目,同样对于任何连续点击,不考虑之前显示的任何项目。




    //Meal objects
let a = {Food:'Chicken and leek', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let b = {Food:'Spaghetti Bolognese', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let c = {Food:'Lasagna', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let d = {Food:'Roast lamb', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Hard'};
let e = {Food:'Roast chicken', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Hard'};
let f = {Food:'Fajitas', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let g = {Food:'Tortilla pizza', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let h = {Food:'Spaghetti Carbonara', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let i = {Food:'Chicken salad', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let j = {Food:'Pies and mash', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let k = {Food:'BBQ', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let l = {Food:'Lamb chops and potatoes', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let m = {Food:'Takeaway', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let n = {Food:'Beans on toast', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let o = {Food:'Sausage and mash', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let p = {Food:'Stir fry', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let q = {Food:'Seasoned Chicken and rice', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let r = {Food:'Shepards Pie', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Hard'};
let s = {Food:'Beef nachos', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let t = {Food:'Burgers', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let u = {Food:'Jacket potato', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};
let v = {Food:'Chicken curry', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let w = {Food:'Chicken enchiladas', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let x = {Food:'Pasta bake', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Medium'};
let y = {Food:'Chicken bake', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Hard'};
let z = {Food:'Chilli Con Carne', Link: 'null', Difficulty: 'Easy'};

//Array for meals 
const mealList = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z];

//Array to store the dinners chosen
let dinnersPicked = [];

//Function for selecting the meals
const selectMeal = () => {

dinnersPicked = [];
let tempMealList = mealList;

for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
  randomMeal = tempMealList[Math.floor(Math.random() * tempMealList.length)];
  const index = tempMealList.indexOf(randomMeal);


const showMeals = (dinnersPicked) => {
  document.getElementById('monFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[0].Food;
  document.getElementById('monFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[0].Link);
  document.getElementById('monDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[0].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('tueFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[1].Food;
  document.getElementById('tueFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[1].Link);
  document.getElementById('tueDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[1].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('wedFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[2].Food;
  document.getElementById('wedFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[2].Link);
  document.getElementById('wedDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[2].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('thuFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[3].Food;
  document.getElementById('thuFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[3].Link);
  document.getElementById('thuDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[3].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('friFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[4].Food;
  document.getElementById('friFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[4].Link);
  document.getElementById('friDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[4].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('satFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[5].Food;
  document.getElementById('satFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[5].Link);
  document.getElementById('satDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[5].Difficulty;
  document.getElementById('sunFood').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[6].Food;
  document.getElementById('sunFood').setAttribute('href', dinnersPicked[6].Link);
  document.getElementById('sunDifficulty').innerHTML = dinnersPicked[6].Difficulty;

供参考(我不认为这有什么区别...)这是从 HTML:

<div class='button -dark center' onclick="selectMeal()">Click for random meals</div>

当您执行 let tempMealList = mealList; 时,这两个变量现在指向同一个数组。所以当你做 tempMealList.splice(index,1) 你也在修改 mealList.

请尝试 let tempMealList = [...mealList]; 制作副本。