获取交易 SQL Teradata 的滚动 Last_Date
Get the rolling Last_Date for a transactions SQL Teradata
请给我一个简单的 table,其中有两列,如下所示
|1-May | |
|2-May | |
|3-May | 3|
|4-May | |
|5-May | |
|6-May | 4|
|7-May | |
|8-May | 7|
|9-May | |
|10-May | 10|
并且我需要插入一个新列,其中最后一个日期 TRX_Count 大于 0 或为空,结果将如下所示
|1-May | |3-May |
|2-May | |3-May |
|3-May | 3|3-May |
|4-May | |6-May |
|5-May | |6-May |
|6-May | 4|6-May |
|7-May | |8-May |
|8-May | 7|8-May |
|9-May | |10-May |
|10-May | 10|10-May |
select t.*,
min(case when trx_count is not null then connect_date end) over (order by connect_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as last_date
from t;
或lead(ignore nulls)
select t.*
lead(case when trx_count is not null then connect_date end ignore nulls) over (order by connect_date)
from t;
这会在开始和结束处填充 NULL:
coalesce(min(case when TRX_Count is not null then Connect_Date end)
over (order by Connect_Date desc
rows unbounded preceding)
,max(case when TRX_Count is not null then Connect_Date end) over ()
请给我一个简单的 table,其中有两列,如下所示
|1-May | |
|2-May | |
|3-May | 3|
|4-May | |
|5-May | |
|6-May | 4|
|7-May | |
|8-May | 7|
|9-May | |
|10-May | 10|
并且我需要插入一个新列,其中最后一个日期 TRX_Count 大于 0 或为空,结果将如下所示
|1-May | |3-May |
|2-May | |3-May |
|3-May | 3|3-May |
|4-May | |6-May |
|5-May | |6-May |
|6-May | 4|6-May |
|7-May | |8-May |
|8-May | 7|8-May |
|9-May | |10-May |
|10-May | 10|10-May |
select t.*,
min(case when trx_count is not null then connect_date end) over (order by connect_date rows between current row and unbounded following) as last_date
from t;
或lead(ignore nulls)
select t.*
lead(case when trx_count is not null then connect_date end ignore nulls) over (order by connect_date)
from t;
这会在开始和结束处填充 NULL:
coalesce(min(case when TRX_Count is not null then Connect_Date end)
over (order by Connect_Date desc
rows unbounded preceding)
,max(case when TRX_Count is not null then Connect_Date end) over ()