Flutter 冻结,Unknown/Fallback 联合值

Flutter Freezed, Unknown/Fallback union value

是否可以在 freezed 中使用 FallBack/Unknown 联合构造函数?


@Freezed(unionKey: 'type')
abstract class Vehicle with _$Vehicle {
  const factory Vehicle() = Unknown;
  const factory Vehicle.car({int someVar}) = Car;
  const factory Vehicle.moto({int otherVar}) = Moto;

  factory Vehicle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VehicleFromJson(json);

现在,我收到一个 JSON 和一个新的 'type',例如 'boat'。


是否有像 JsonKey 那样的注释?

@JsonKey(name: 'type', unknownEnumValue: VehicleType.unknown)

我知道我们有一个 'default' 构造函数,但是那个构造函数的 'type' 是 'default',所以 'boat' 不会出现在那个 switch case 上。


您可以使用 fallbackUnion 属性来指定在这种情况下使用哪个 constructor/factory。

@Freezed(unionKey: 'type', fallbackUnion: "Unknown")
abstract class Vehicle with _$Vehicle {
  const factory Vehicle() = Unknown;
  const factory Vehicle.car({int someVar}) = Car;
  const factory Vehicle.moto({int otherVar}) = Moto;

  // Name of factory must match what you specified, case sensitive
  // if you're using a custom 'unionKey', this factory can omit 
  // @FreezedUnionValue annotation if its dedicated for an unknown union.
  const factory Vehicle.Unknown(
    /*think params list need to be empty or must all be nullable/optional*/
  ) = _Unknown;

  factory Vehicle.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$VehicleFromJson(json);